Modelo para la clasificación del turismo deportivo

  • Héctor V. Jiménez-Naranjo Universidad de Extremadura


Sport Tourism activities have become a main focus of academic research over the last decades. However, the different forms in sports tourism can be presented in our societyis necessary an adequate identification and classification of the activities that are its object of study.The aim of our research is to introduce a conceptual model to classify the activities considered as sport tourism by providing a framework to support research. The model, which arises from a review of the literature on sports tourism, facilitates the classification of activities through a series of qualitative variables that have considered of special interest, and provides eight scenarios where categorize them giving rise to different types of tourists. The result simplifies the multiform reality in which sports tourism is presented, being able to provide a global vision of sport tourism.


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How to Cite
Jiménez-NaranjoHéctor V. 2019. “Modelo Para La Clasificación Del Turismo Deportivo”. Old Eracle Website 2 (1), 5-21.