Mediatization and Platformization of Cycling Cultures: Actors, Practices, Processes

  • Mario Tirino Università degli Studi di Salerno


This introduction aims to describe the main issues of mediatization and platformization of cycling cultures in contemporary society. Starting with the concept of cycling culture, as opposed to the car-centric paradigm, the goal is to show the set of social actors, sociocultural processes, and cultural practices that structure the media-cycling field.


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Author Biography

Mario Tirino, Università degli Studi di Salerno

Mario Tirino is a senior researcher at the University of Salerno. He teaches Sociology of Youth Cultures, Media Communication Sports, Television and New Media. His research interests include sociology of digital cultures, media theory of literature and comics, and sociology of sports cultures. He wrote the volume Postspettatorialità. L’esperienza del cinema nell’era digitale [Postspectatorship. The Experience of Cinema in the Digital Age] (2020) and more than one hundred articles published in volumes and in national and international academic journals. He edited the volumes Sport e scienze sociali [Sport and Social Sciences (with L. Bifulco, 2019, CONI Prize 2020) and Sport, pratiche culturali e processi educativi [Sport, Cultural Practices and Educational Processes] (with M. Merico and A. Romeo, 2022). He directs the scientific series “L’Eternauta. Studi su fumetti e media” [L’Eternauta. Studies on comics and media] (with G. Frezza and L. Di Paola) and “Binge Watchers. Media, sociologia e storia della serialità” [Binge Watchers. Media, sociology and the history of seriality] (with M. Teti).

How to Cite
Tirino, Mario. 2022. “Mediatization and Platformization of Cycling Cultures: Actors, Practices, Processes”. Old Eracle Website 5 (1), 5 - 32.