Il Giappone. Studi e Ricerche 2021-05-19T10:05:58+00:00 Prof. Patrizia CARIOTI Open Journal Systems <p>Siamo molto lieti di aprire questa breve presentazione al numero inaugurale della Rivista <em>Il Giappone. Studi e Ricerche</em> ringraziando vivamente il Magnifico Rettore dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”, Prof. Roberto Tottoli, e il Direttore del Dipartimento Asia, Africa e Mediterraneo, Prof. Andrea Manzo, per il prezioso sostegno ricevuto. Estendiamo il ringraziamento alla Prof.ssa Matilde Mastrangelo, Presidente dell’Associazione Italiana per gli Studi Giapponesi Aistugia, per il messaggio di saluto che ha voluto indirizzarci. Ringraziamo altresì il Prof. Adolfo Tamburello, Direttore per circa cinquant’anni della pubblicazione periodica <em>Il Giappone,</em> a tutti noi ben nota, fucina di ricerche innovative, approfondimenti, approcci originali, e di fatto scuola e trampolino di lancio per svariate generazioni di ricercatori e studiosi del Giappone. È di certo un grande privilegio per noi dar vita a questa nuova rivista, in quanto di fatto espressione e risultato di tale antica e consolidata tradizione dell’Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”: intenzionalmente, dunque, ne abbiamo mantenuto l’esplicita evocazione nel titolo.</p> <p>I messaggi di saluto e di augurio ricevuti, che accompagnano questo volume inaugurale, ci onorano e ci rendono ancor più consapevoli della rilevanza dell’impegno assunto. Ci auspichiamo sinceramente di poter contribuire alla diffusione degli studi sul Giappone, di stimolarne lo sviluppo, e di fornire a ricercatori e specialisti, sia giovani sia studiosi affermati, un appropriato strumento di confronto e di dialogo con la comunità scientifica ed accademica, muovendone l’agire anche in un contesto internazionale. Di qui la scelta di accogliere nella nostra rivista, che avrà periodicità annuale, testi in lingua inglese, giapponese, italiana. Per la selezione dei saggi è stato adottato il sistema del doppio referaggio anonimo, secondo rigorosi criteri di selezione. Nella sezione “<strong><em>In evidenza”</em></strong>, ci riserviamo di inserire occasionalmente saggi e scritti di coloro che sono stati e sono Maestri nel condiviso cammino di ricerca.</p> <p>In questo primo numero abbiamo voluto dedicare un posto d’onore al Professore Emerito Ury Eppstein, musicologo israeliano di fama internazionale, che ha voluto donarci il suo saggio “Militarism in Japanese School Songs” e che ringraziamo calorosamente.&nbsp; Attivo sin dagli anni Cinquanta in Israele, Giappone ed Europa, il Prof. Eppstein ha tradotto testi importanti del repertorio kabuki, come il <em>Kanjinchō</em>, e scritto monografie fondamentali nel campo delle ricerche musicologiche, con particolare riferimento al Giappone. Tra i numerosi e prestigiosi riconoscimenti ricevuti per la sua attività scientifica ed accademica, ricordiamo l’onorificenza dell’Ordine del Sol Levante Raggi in Oro con Nastri conferitagli nel 1989.</p> Introduzione 2021-04-20T10:04:18+00:00 Patrizia Carioti <p>-</p> 2021-04-19T15:26:14+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Saluto Aistugia 2021-04-20T10:04:15+00:00 Matilde Mastrangelo <p>-</p> 2021-04-19T15:29:17+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Il Giappone. Studi e Ricerche nella tradizione editoriale degli studi giapponesi all'Orientale 2021-04-20T10:04:20+00:00 Adolfo Tamburello <p>-</p> 2021-04-19T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Militarism in Japanese School Songs 2021-05-19T10:05:58+00:00 Ury Eppstein <p><em>Shōka</em><em>,</em> the Japanese term for School Song, is an innovation of the early Meiji Period. Both, the term and the music genre, had become a necessity following the promulgation of the Education Law in 1872 which stipulated that music had to be an obligatory subject in elementary and secondary schools. Its implementation had to be postponed, however, because in traditional Japanese music there were no songs with easily singable melodies and understandable texts suitable for school children. Such songs had, therefore, to be commissioned, composed or authorized by a department of the Education Ministry, called “Music Investigation Committee” (<em>Ongaku Torishirabe Gakari), </em>created especially for this purpose.</p> 2021-03-31T13:18:39+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Buddha e Gesù in vacanza a Tokyo. Seinto Oniisan come parodia religiosa nel Giappone contemporaneo 2021-05-19T10:05:55+00:00 Erica Baffelli <p><em>Seinto Oniisan</em> (<em>Saint Young Men</em> in English) is a manga series written and illustrated by Nakamura Hikaru. The episodes, serialised by Kodansha since September 2006, tell the adventures of Buddha and Jesus, who, after surviving the end of the millennium, take a vacation together and rent an apartment in Tachikawa, a suburban area of Tokyo.</p> <p>This gag manga (<em>gyagu manga</em>) shares similarities with other texts focused on religious personalities and topics, in particular on the life of Buddha, including the well-known manga <em>Buddha</em> by Tezuka Osamu. However, <em>Seinto Oniisan</em> does not aim at teaching about Buddhism, as in the case of educational manga published by Buddhist organizations. At the same time, <em>Seinto Oniisan </em>does not reiterate dichotomous representations of religion as ‘good’ or ‘evil’ as shown in several manga published after the 1995 sarin gas attack in the Tokyo subway. By placing the two religious figures in a contemporary urban context and portraying them as two tourists (or exchange students) discovering Japan, Nakamura avoids representing religion as something ‘dangerous’. At the same time, parody and humor desacralise their authorities by transforming them into light and ‘harmless’ entertainment for her readers.</p> 2021-03-31T13:30:04+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The description of the interjectional function of wo: from the renga treatises to Yamada Yoshio 2021-05-19T10:05:52+00:00 Corinne D'antonio <p>This paper aims to follow the evolution of the description of the interjectional function of the particle <em>wo</em>, in order to clarify the confusion arisen in its analysis in the Old and Middle Japanese corpus. In fact, in Yamada’s grammar – that influenced the 20<sup>th </sup>century scholarship – the interjectional particle <em>wo </em>was identified only on a semantic basis, as formally it could follow nouns, verbs or other particles, and its position in the sentence was rather free. However, if we look at the earliest descriptions of <em>wo</em> in the Medieval poetic treatises, we find well-defined grammatical contexts in which it could be identified as interjectional (<em>yasumeji</em>, after <em>ni</em>, <em>to</em> and gerunds). An interesting innovation is proposed by Motoori Norinaga, who distinguishes between a <em>yasumeji ni oku wo</em>, whose distribution is consistent with what stated in the treatises, and a <em>tasukeji</em> <em>wo</em>, whose value overlaps <em>yo</em> and follows mostly nouns. Motoori’s description of the interjectional function seems to have influenced Tsurumine Shigenobu’s and Ōtsuki Fumihiko’s stances, which would in turn serve as basis for Yamada’s study. Thus, it could be useful to trace the history behind Yamada’s description in order to understand the contemporary scholarship dealing with the interjectional function of <em>wo</em>.</p> 2021-03-31T13:34:55+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Il dibattito sulla sicurezza onnicomprensiva e il problema della dipendenza alimentare in Giappone negli anni Settanta e Ottanta 2021-05-19T10:05:50+00:00 Felice Farina <p>The term “comprehensive security (<em>s</em><em>ōgō anzen hoshō </em>総合安全保障)” was first created in Japan after the early 1970s international crises (oil, food, monetary and diplomatic). The new concept widened the traditional scope of the concept of “security”, embracing those economic aspects, such as the scarcity of raw materials, that were considered capable of threatening national security. Food security was a central element of the comprehensive security strategy. Since the early postwar years, Japan was heavily dependent on food imports from the United States. The food crisis of the 1970s with the consequent American embargo on soybeans revealed Japan's vulnerability to interruptions in food supplies and raised questions about the US as a reliable supplier. The present work provides a critical analysis of the development of the concept of “food security” in Japan, within the broader debate on comprehensive security in the 1970s and 1980s. In particular, through the analysis of political and academic documents, the article investigates the impact of the American soybean embargo on this debate, in order to understand how “food dependence” began to be perceived as a threat to national security and how this perception influenced not only Japan’s food policies but also its international relations.</p> 2021-03-31T13:37:51+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Madri che uccidono. Maternità e solitudine in Mori ni nemuru sakana e Saka no tochū no ie di Kakuta Mitsuyo 2021-05-19T10:05:48+00:00 Letizia Guarini <p>At the beginning of the Nineties, the term <em>mamatomo</em> (mothers’ friend), a popular term used to indicate the friendship between mothers of preschoolers, became central to the study of childcare in Japan. Since the Nineties researchers have investigated the relationship between mum-friends, stressing the positive effects of the <em>mamatomo</em> network on children’s education. However, at the same time, this term carries a negative connotation: on the one hand, it shows the rivalry between <em>mamatomo</em>, often determined by social and financial differences, on the other, it reveals the loneliness of those women who reject this relationship. In either case, women perceive the experience of motherhood in its negative aspects and such uneasiness might result in violence toward their children.</p> <p>In Japanese contemporary literature, Kakuta Mitsuyo often focuses on female characters depicted in their roles of mothers and daughters. This is why her novels have been analysed in terms of the representation of the mother-daughter relationship conflict. In this paper, I will analyze motherhood in relation to loneliness and violence as depicted in <em>Mori ni nemuru sakana</em>(2008) and <em>Saka no tochu</em><em>̄</em><em> no ie</em> (2016). I argue that these two novels, both narrating stories of infanticide, represent a major change in the way the author addressed the issue of motherhood, in that they stress the role played by society in the creation of the myth of maternal love and the gender division of labour, as well as the effect of fathers’ absence on the well-being of their families.</p> 2021-03-31T13:41:29+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Olandesi a Edo nell’era Keian (1648-52). Andries Frisius, l’ambasciatore imbalsamato e gli avvisi sull’Europa nei fūsetsugaki 2021-05-19T10:05:45+00:00 Tiziana Iannello <p>In the aftermath of Japan’s closing edicts of the 1640s, the curious episode of the mission of the Dutch agent Andries Frisius to the court of Iemitsu in 1650 was an emblematic case of the new course of the diplomatic relations established by the Tokugawa government with Europeans. Local authorities' occasional contacts with the Dutch still revealed uncertainty in diplomatic and commercial exchanges based on rules set by the central government, not yet fully implemented at the local level. Besides the embarrassment in developing official relations, the few European agents admitted in the archipelago had to satisfy the numerous requests from the authorities, as evidenced by the singular case of Frisius. Agents’ commitments also included the presentation of official reports, the so-called <em>fūsetsugaki</em>, the news on overseas affairs and European historical events that envoys of the Dutch East India Company were asked to present regularly to the shogunal authorities in Edo. These chronicles had implications in terms of the reception of the image of Europe, influencing to some extent the foreign policy of the time.</p> 2021-03-31T13:44:15+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Poetica di Fujiwara no Kintō: Shinsen zuinō e Waka kuhon 2021-05-19T10:05:42+00:00 Ikuko Sagiyama <p>Fujiwara no Kintō (966-1041) was one of the most eminent men of letters of his time. Highly appreciated poet of compositions both in Chinese and Japanese, expert in music and court ceremonies, compiler of various anthologies including <em>Wakan rōeishū</em> (Collection of Japanese and Chinese Verses for Recitation), he also contributed to the evolution of Japanese poetics, when the canons established by the first imperial anthology, <em>Kokinshū</em>, were at a turning point. This study will examine two of his writings, <em>Shinsen zuinō</em> (Essentials of Poetry, Newly Compiled) and <em>Waka kuhon </em>(Nine Styles of Japanese Poetry), which constitute the manifesto of new proposals, with a focus on concepts such as <em>sugata</em> and <em>yosei.</em></p> 2021-03-31T13:47:55+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## “Sorelle d’Oriente”: le donne nipponiche nelle “Lettere dal Giappone” (1929) di Maria Albertina Loschi 2021-05-19T10:05:39+00:00 Anna Lisa Somma <p>This paper aims to offer a concise portrait of Maria Albertina Loschi (1888?-1981) – a teacher, journalist, feminist and globetrotter –, as well as to analyse her reportage <em>Lettere dal Giappone</em> (Letters from Japan). It consists of a series of articles written from various Japanese cities and published in the Roman newspaper <em>Il Messaggero</em> in 1929 during her world trip.</p> <p>In particular, this article aims to investigate the representations of Japanese women presented by Loschi, often depicted with warmth and empathy, in sharp contrast with their exotic and sensual portrayals frequently offered by male writers and travellers. Loschi defined them ‘sorelle d’oriente’ (oriental sisters) to emphasise her closeness to them and her desire to see them more satisfied and independent.&nbsp;</p> <p>Despite some occasional stereotype, Loschi was able to provide her audience with a gallery of women (e.g. students, nurses, business women), moving beyond the traditional feminine image of <em>ryōsai kenbo</em> (良妻賢母) (good wife, wise mother).</p> 2021-03-31T13:50:17+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Linguistic Loans from Italian into Japanese: focusing on the Meiji Period 2021-05-19T10:05:36+00:00 Valentina Spitale <p>The history of cultural exchanges between Japan and Italy can be traced back to the second half of the 16th century. However, it was only in the Meiji era that Japanese and Italian began to come into contact, and that <em>gairaigo</em> (loanwords) of Italian origin began to emerge in Japanese.</p> <p><em>Gairaigo</em> of Italian origin can refer both to Italian words borrowed directly from Italian, and to words of Italian origin borrowed indirectly through other languages. The aim of this study is to examine the <em>gairaigo</em> of Italian origin that entered Japanese during the Meiji period, in order to shed light on their characteristics and their borrowing route.</p> <p>The corpus for this study has been compiled by selecting the words with their earliest recorded use in the Meiji era, drawing from the general lists of Italian loanwords in Koura (1997) and Calvetti (2003). In order to find clues to their route, I examined the first Italian-Japanese dictionary, the <em>Futsu-I-Wa sangoku tsūgo</em> by Magaki Yukinaga, published in 1876, then carried out an analysis of the corpus from a phonetic perspective.</p> <p>I also traced the history of four words, selected to represent the fields in which the influence of Italian is stronger: “opera”, “madonna”, “chiaroscuro”, and “macaroni”.</p> <p>The results of this study suggest that these Meiji loanwords entered the Japanese vocabulary through an indirect route and underline the importance of Italian as an international cultural language in the field of the arts, and especially of music.</p> 2021-03-31T13:52:31+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sonna kotoba, kodomo no mae de iwantotte. Il problema della imprecazione in giapponese e gli insegnamenti della traduzione 2021-05-19T10:05:34+00:00 Paolo Villani <p>B.H. Chamberlain wrote in 1905 that “The Japanese vocabulary […] affords absolutely no means of cursing and swearing”. Japanese paucity of offensive lexicon is surely overstated by the pioneer British Japanologist but it is a fact. The present work deals with the way Japanese translators match the profusion and the remarkably meaningful nuances of Chinese swear words we find throughout the sapid prose of the <em>Jinpingmei</em> examining modern translations of some passes from the Ming novel.</p> 2021-03-31T13:54:46+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Profilo degli autori 2021-04-20T10:04:13+00:00 Patrizia Carioti <p>-</p> 2021-04-19T15:34:28+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##