**** NOTE: Choose one of the following commands in order to load the Source Data **************************. **** NOTE: You have to up-date the Directory according to the localization of the files in your computer ****. GET DATA /TYPE=XLS /FILE='E:\JOP\Joplink.net\prev\201111\08_SourceData.xls' /SHEET=name '08_data' /CELLRANGE=full /READNAMES=on /ASSUMEDSTRWIDTH=32767. GET FILE='E:\JOP\Joplink.net\prev\201111\08_SourceData.sav'. *******************************************************************************************. des all. fre all. **********************. compute BMI=Weight/(Height*Height)*10000. variable label BMI 'Body Mass Index (kg/m2)'. format BMI (f4.1). fre BMI. recode BMI (low thru 25=1)(25 thru hi=2) into GROUP. variable label GROUP 'Dicothomized BMI (Study Groups)'. value labels GROUP 1 '<25 kg/m2' 2 '=>25 kg/m2'. format GROUP (f1.0). cro BMI by GROUP. recode BMI (low thru 30=0)(30 thru hi=1) into BMI30DIC. variable label BMI30DIC 'Dicothomized BMI (Standard Obesity Definition)'. value labels BMI30DIC 0 '<30 kg/m2' 1 '=>30 kg/m2'. format BMI30DIC (f1.0). cro BMI by BMI30DIC. *************************. recode PDSize(low thru 3.0=1)(3.0 thru hi=0) into PDSizeDIC. variable label PDSizeDIC 'Dicothomized PD Size'. value labels PDSizeDIC 0 '>3 mm' 1 '<=3 mm'. format PDSizeDIC (f1.0). cro PDSize by PDSizeDIC. *************************. recode FistulaGrade (0=0)(1,2,3=1) into Fistula. recode FistulaGrade (0,1=0)(2,3=1) into FistulaClinical. variable label Fistula 'Presence of Fistula'. variable label FistulaClinical 'Clinical Definition of Fistula'. value labels Fistula 0 'Absent' 1 'Grades A,B,C' /FistulaClinical 0 'No + Grade A' 1 'Grades B,C' . format FistulaGrade Fistula FistulaClinical (f1.0). cro FistulaGrade BY Fistula FistulaClinical. *************************. compute Complication=0. if (Fistula=1) Complication=1. if (DelayedEmptying=1)Complication=1. if (Wound=1) Complication=1. if (Bleeding=1) Complication=1. if (Chyle=1) Complication=1. if (BrainInfarction=1) Complication=1. variable label Complication 'Presence of Complications'. value labels Complication 0 'No' 1 'Yes'. format Complication (f1.0). fre Complication. cro Complication BY Fistula DelayedEmptying Wound Bleeding Chyle BrainInfarction . compute No_of_Complication= Fistula + DelayedEmptying + Wound + Bleeding + Chyle + BrainInfarction . variable label No_of_Complication 'Number of Complications'. format No_of_Complication (f1.0). fre No_of_Complication/sta=all. fre Fistula DelayedEmptying Wound Bleeding Chyle BrainInfarction . cro No_of_Complication BY Complication . ****************************************. compute BloodLoss100=BloodLoss/100. variable label BloodLoss100 'Recoded Blood Loss (x100 mL)'. format BloodLoss100 (f5.1). fre BloodLoss100 . ***************************************. sort cases by ID. des all. SAVE OUTFILE='E:\JOP\Joplink.net\prev\201111\08_FinalData.sav' /COMPRESSED.