Funes Journal of Narratives And Social Sciences is an open access, double blind peer review, journal with an annual periodicity.

Aims and scope

The objective of Funes Journal of Narratives and Social Sciences is to publish outstanding
and original peer-reviewed articles which advance the theoretical and empirical
understanding of topics concerning theories and uses of narratives in social sciences –
sociology and cultural studies overall; but also media studies, anthropology, political sciences,
history and philosophy. Funes invites scholars and freelance researchers to submit papers
using both quantitative and qualitative research methods, promotes articles proposing new
conceptual and theoretical approaches, methodological innovation and insights from every
cultural region of the world. Critical review essays and book reviews are published aiming to
share scholarly debate. Based in Italy, the journal aims to create a network of scholarships
across the world.

Open Access

All papers published in our journal are open access and freely available online, immediately upon publication.

Funes Journal is published under a Creative Commons Attribution Licence 4.0

With the licence CC-BY, authors retain the copyright, allowing anyone to download, reuse, re-print, modify, distribute their contribution. The work must be properly attributed to its author and the site of first publication should be mentioned.

Funes Journal of Narratives and Social Sciences endorses the principles proposed by the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) supporting a free dissemination of scientific research.

By “open access” to peer-reviewed research literature, we mean its free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. The only constraint on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in this domain, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited.

Copyright policies & self-archiving

Author's Pre-print: author can archive pre-print (ie pre-refereeing)

Author's Post-print: author can archive post-print (ie final draft post-refereeing)

Publisher's Version/PDF: author can archive publisher's version/PDF

General Conditions: on open access repositories

Publisher's version/PDF may be used

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 are available

Section Policies

Funes Journal of Narratives and Social Sciences is composed of three sections:

  • Papers: long articles, of a theoretical and/or empirical nature, enriching the debate on the
    issues proposed by the magazine through calls for papers.
    Submission: ✔ Indexed: ✔ Double peer revew: ✔
  • Insights: short writings of a theoretical or exploratory nature, strong for their way of
    introducing ideas and thoughts of a cultural nature into contemporary public debate.
    Submission: ✔ Indexed: ✔ Double peer revew: ✖
  • Reviews: critical readings of books or magazine issues on the themes of narratives, social
    imaginaries and cultural-communication processes, aimed at the dissemination and
    discussion of recent publications.
    Submission: ✔ Indexed: ✔ Double peer revew: ✖

Papers are double-blind peer reviewed at least by two referees selected among high-profile
scientist. Reviewers should not have published with the author/editor or with any of the co-
authors of the article/book during the past five years and should not currently work or
collaborate with the institute of the author or of any of the co-authors of the submitted

Article-processing charges (APCs)

Since the publication costs of the journal are borne by the universities sponsoring it, authors are not charged of any fee for the submission (article-submission charges ASC) and for publication of their articles (article-processing charges, APC).

There is no grant for the publication of articles (waivers).

Plagiarism Policy

All articles submitted will be checked to detect plagiarism, also using software such as Compilatio, Turnitin or iThenticate.

A specific process is followed to manage a case of plagiarism.

Funes Journal follows the guidelines contained in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) flowcharts (

In the case of suspected plagiarism in a published article:

  1. The person who advised SHARE of the situation is informed about the process to be followed.
  2. The contributions are compared to check the degree of copying.
  3. All Editors/Editorial Board Members of the Journal/Series are informed and asked for their comments.
  4. The author of the article/book in question is contacted with documentary evidence of the case of plagiarism and is asked for a response.

If the author is found guilty of plagiarism:

  1. The editors/editorial board members of the journal/series in which the original plagiarised contribution was published and the authors of the plagiarised article/book are informed;
  2. SHARE publishes an official retraction of the paper/book;
  3. The article/book is withdrawn from SHARE site;
  4. SHARE will not publish any article/book of the author concerned for a period of 5 years.