Lecce as an Invisible Salon: Power and Power elites in a Souther Italian City

  • Valentina Cremonesini Università del Salento
  • Stefano Cristante Università del Salento
  • Mariano Longo Università del Salento


The paper deals with the transformation of power at the local level, by making reference to Lecce, a middle city in the South of Italy (Salento), as a case study. The authors draw their empirical material from a wider sociological research on the same topic they have edited in 2014 (Cremonesini, Cristante, Longo 2014) and try to sketch how the crisis of traditional political parties has produced a renewed vitality of relational networks, yet by now unable to define a common strategy and to share common values and a common strategic project for city policies.

Keywords: power, elites, salons, relational networks, local government, South Italy



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