The Journal of African Languages and Literatures (JALaLit) is an electronic, peer-reviewed, open access academic journal published by UniorPress (University of Naples L’Orientale). JALaLit publishes original research articles, review articles, notes, discussions, fieldwork material and book reviews addressing the current trends in African linguistics and in modern and contemporary African literary studies.

JALaLit publishes one issue a year and is entirely open access. JALaLit is a scientific journal recognised by ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes) for Area 10 (Sciences of antiquity, philological-literary, historical and artistic sciences) and is indexed in DOAJ and Google Scholar.

ISSN 2723-9764

No 5 (2024): Journal of African Languages and Literatures

Published: 2024-09-04

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