Clinical Usefulness of the Serum Carboxypeptidase B Activation Peptide in Acute Pancreatitis

  • Raffaele Pezzilli Emergency Department, Sant'Orsola Hospital, University of Bologna. Bologna, Italy
  • Antonio Maria Morselli-Labate Department of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, Sant'Orsola Hospital, University of Bologna. Bologna, Italy
  • Anna Rita Barbieri Central Laboratory, Sant'Orsola Hospital, University of Bologna. Bologna, Italy
  • Livia Platè Central Laboratory, Sant'Orsola Hospital, University of Bologna. Bologna, Italy
Keywords: Amylases, C-Reactive Protein, Carboxypeptidases, Lipase, Pancreatitis, ROC Curve


Objective To assess the sensitivity and specificity of the serum carboxypeptidase B activation peptide in diagnosing and determining the severity of acute pancreatitis. Patients Twenty consecutive patients with acute pancreatitis were studied on admission to the Emergency Room: 11 patients had mild pancreatitis, and 9 patients, severe pancreatitis. Twenty consecutive patients with non-pancreatic acute abdomen and 20 healthy subjects were also studied. Main outcome measures Serum carboxypeptidase B activation peptide was determined using radioimmunoassay. Results Nineteen of the 20 patients with acute pancreatitis (95.0%) had serum carboxypeptidase B activation peptide concentrations above the upper reference limit, whereas 1 of the 20 patients with non-pancreatic acute abdomen (5.0%) and none of the healthy subjects had serum levels of this protein above the upper reference limit. The serum carboxypeptidase B activation peptide concentrations of patients with severe acute pancreatitis were significantly higher than those of patients with mild acute pancreatitis on the 2nd (P=0.044) and 3rd days (P=0.028) of the study. The overall sensitivity and specificity of carboxypeptidase B activation peptide in assessing the severity of acute pancreatitis were 84.6% and 59.4%, respectively. Conclusions Serum carboxypeptidase B activation peptide may be used simultaneously both to diagnosis and assess the severity of acute pancreatitis on admission to the Emergency Room.

Image: Box and whisker plots of serum CAPAP, amylase, lipase and C-reactive protein.


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Box and whisker plots
How to Cite
PezzilliR., Morselli-LabateA., BarbieriA., & PlatèL. (2016). Clinical Usefulness of the Serum Carboxypeptidase B Activation Peptide in Acute Pancreatitis. JOP. Journal of the Pancreas, 1(3), 58-68.