Heterotopic Pancreas of the Gallbladder Associated with Chronic Cholecystitis and High Levels of Amylasuria

  • Thanasis Klimis Department of Surgery; General Hospital “Polykliniki”; Athens; Greece
  • Nikolaos Roukounakis
  • Ilias Kafetzis
  • Vasileios Mouziouras
  • Ilias Karantonis
  • Nikolaos Andromanakos
Keywords: Choristoma, Gallbladder, Immunohistochemistry, Pancreas


Context Heterotopic pancreas of the gallbladder is an extremely rare entity, especially when pancreatic tissue appears histologically with an exclusively exocrine structure. Case report We report the case of a 35-year-old man who presented with symptoms of acalculous gallbladder disease with high levels of amylasuria. Immunohistochemical analysis of the surgical specimen of a cholecystectomy revealed pancreatic tissue at the gallbladder wall. Conclusions Heterotopic pancreatic tissue is a rare pathological finding in the gallbladder. It requires consideration and sensitization in the differential diagnosis of acalculous gallbladder disease, which can explain hyperamylasuria in cases of unknown origin.


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Pancreatic tissue was reactive to alpha-1-chymotrypsin, demonstrating exocrine activity
How to Cite
KlimisT., RoukounakisN., KafetzisI., MouziourasV., KarantonisI., & AndromanakosN. (2011). Heterotopic Pancreas of the Gallbladder Associated with Chronic Cholecystitis and High Levels of Amylasuria. JOP. Journal of the Pancreas, 12(5), 458-460. https://doi.org/10.6092/1590-8577/450