Interventional Radiology in Acute Pancreatitis: Friend or Foe?
Context Peripancreatic fluid collections are known complications of pancreatitis. The majority of fluid collections can be drained percutaneously under radiological guidance. Although radiological percutaneous drainage is regarded as safe, here it resulted in catastrophic haemorrhage from the colon due to an iatrogenic injury. Case report We present a case of a 70-year-old man who presented with acute alcohol-related severe necrotizing pancreatitis and an associated massive peripancreatic fluid collection. The drainage of this collection was attempted under computed tomography (CT) scan guidance. During the procedure the splenic artery and the splenic flexure of the colon were inadvertently damaged leading to life threatening per rectal bleeding requiring emergency angiographic embolisation of the splenic artery. Conclusion Radiological drainage of peripancreatic fluid collections is generally regarded as having lower rates of complications compared to surgical necrosectomy. However, in this case it leads to a life threatening per rectal bleed requiring emergency splenic artery embolisation.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Maziar Khorsandi, Kevin Beatson, Scott Dougherty, Ian Zealley, Christoph Kulli

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