Carcinoma of the Tail of the Pancreas Presenting As Acute Abdomen

  • Reginald Griffin Minimally Invasive Surgery Department of Surgery University of Florida, College of Medicine Jacksonville 633 W 8th Street Jacksonville, FL32209 USA Phone: +1-904.244.3971 Fax: +1-904.244.3870
  • Bruce Villas
  • Cindy Davis
  • Ziad T Awad Department of Surgery University of FloridaCollege of Medicine - Jacksonville 633 W 8th Street, Jacksonville, FL32209, USA Phone: +001- 904-244 3971 Fax: +001- 904 244 3870
Keywords: Colectomy, Pancreatectomy


Context Large bowel obstruction with perforation is an anomalous presentation of pancreatic tail carcinoma. Pancreatic cancer is often difficult to diagnose clinically and is especially furtive when it is located in the tail of the pancreas. Case report We describe a patient who presented with large bowel obstruction due to splenic flexure mass which proved to be due to pancreatic mucinous adenocarcinoma. Conclusions Pancreatic adenocarcinoma can rarely have the same presentation as colon cancer, and should therefore be considered in the differential diagnosis of large bowel obstruction.


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Pancreatic adenocarcinoma invading the peripancreatic fat
How to Cite
GriffinR., VillasB., DavisC., & AwadZ. (2012). Carcinoma of the Tail of the Pancreas Presenting As Acute Abdomen. JOP. Journal of the Pancreas, 13(1), 58-60.