La carta e lo zig-zag. Testimonianze inedite nei più antichi registri notarili dell’Italia centro-settentrionale

  • Matilde Silla Sgarbi


This paper focuses on a rarely attested codicological trait: the relevant presence of zig-zag on 13th century paper. The results are based on the examination of a large corpus of 227 notarial registers begun during the 13th century. The registers, kept in the State Archives of nine cities in Northern and Central Italy (Arezzo, Bologna, Florence, Genoa, Lucca, Pisa, Pistoia, Prato and Siena), have been studied from a codicological perspective.

The quantity of registers composed of paper sheets is striking: 188 codicological units out of 227 (contained in 120 registers). Interesting details have emerged from the analysis of the paper, in particular, the number of copies whose paper contains a zig-zag, still an uncommon sign, is surprising: 21 codicological units out of 188.

The analyzed units reveal a significant presence of zig-zag within the paper registers set up by Italian notaries during the 13th century, starting at an earlier date than usually assumed. Furthermore, an exhaustive examination of additional details, such as distance between chain lines, shape and dimensions, revealed a complex scenario where our data is sometimes in contrast with common knowledge.

How to Cite
Silla SgarbiM. (2021). La carta e lo zig-zag. Testimonianze inedite nei più antichi registri notarili dell’Italia centro-settentrionale. Scrineum Rivista, 18(1), 149-176.