Call for Papers
Anglistica AION. An Interdisciplinary Journal
Call for Papers
BrexLit: Redefining Borders
Editors: Lucia Esposito (Università degli Studi Roma Tre,; Virginie Roche-Tiengo (Université d'Artois,; Alessandra Ruggiero (Università di Teramo,
In the late 1980s, Stuart Hall identified the success of Thatcherite conservatism in the way it addressed “the fears, the anxieties, the lost identities, of a people” underling how important it was to “think about politics in images” (Hall 1988: 167). Thatcherism was “addressed to our collective fantasies, to Britain as an imagined community, to the social imaginary [...] while the left forlornly trie[d] to drag the conversation round to ‘our policies’” (ibidem). The new “Great Moving Right Show” (Hall 1979) of the Brexit years seems to have been performed using the same patterns and cultural strategies of Thatcherism; its utopian or retrotopian (Bauman 2017) idea of ‘Making Britain Great Again’ was constructed around new nostalgic myths of past imperial greatness and iconic images of a recovered splendid isolation that convey anti-European and anti-migrant sentiments.
Drawing on the shared idea that literature and performing arts can not only encourage empathy and help create a sense of community (Nussbaum 2010) but also effectively “engage with emergent political realities” (Shaw 2018: 16), especially through the voices of intellectuals in the public sphere, this issue intends to focus on literary works, also in their intermedial relations with other arts, that deal with the impact of Brexit on the life, thoughts and feelings of British society.
The present call for papers seeks contributions from scholars and researchers interested in the political and cultural debates surrounding Brexit and its aftermath. We welcome submissions across a spectrum of themes, including but not limited to:
- Discussing the redefinition of identity and belonging according to new configurations of nationalism, patriotism and cosmopolitanism, Englishness or Anglo-centric Britishness.
- Analysing postcolonial issues in relation to migration and ethnicity, considering the changing governmental attitudes towards postcolonial subjects, in a framework of post-imperial nostalgia.
- Exploring the remapping of borders and borderlands following a revival of geographical and mental insularity, especially with regard to the dichotomies between city and country, England and the other regions, with a particular focus on Ireland and Scotland.
- Focusing on women’s voices across the infinite array of borders that have been crossed post-Brexit (at individual, international, political, gender, cultural, social and many other levels).
Submission of abstracts:
Authors wishing to contribute to this issue of Anglistica AION are invited to send an abstract of their proposed article of no more than 300 words (excluding references) in MS Word format by 30th September 2024 to Lucia Esposito (, Virginie Roche-Tiengo ( and Alessandra Ruggiero ( [CC].
Important dates:
Deadline for abstracts: September 30, 2024
Notification of acceptance: October 21, 2024
Deadline for completed articles: January 20, 2025
Publication Schedule:
The accepted papers will be curated into a cohesive volume, aiming for publication in Anglistica AION ( in 2025.
For inquiries and submission details, please contact Lucia Esposito (, Virginie Roche-Tiengo ( and Alessandra Ruggiero ( [CC].
Anderson Benedict (1983, 2006), Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalisms (London, Verso)
Bauman Zygmunt (2017), Retrotopia (Cambridge, Polity Press)
Berberich Christine (2023), Brexit and The Migrant Voice: EU Citizens in Post-Brexit Literature and Culture (London, Routledge)
Bischoff Lisa (2023), British Novels and the European Union: DysEUtopia (London, Palgrave Macmillan)
Eaglestone Robert, ed. (2018), Brexit and Literature: Critical and Cultural Responses (New York, Routledge)
Featherstone Simon (2009), Englishness: Twentieth-Century Popular Culture and the Forming of English Identity (Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press)
Hall Stuart (1979), “The Great Moving Right Show”, Marxism Today, pp. 14-20
Hall Stuart (1988), “Gramsci and Us”, in Id., The Hard Road to Renewal: Thatcherism and the Crisis of the Left (London, Verso), pp. 161-173
Heidemann, Birte (2020), “The Brexit within: Mapping the rural and the urban in contemporary British fiction”, Journal of Postcolonial Writing (Vol. 56, no. 5), pp. 676-688
McLeod John (2020),“Warning signs: Postcolonial writing and the apprehension of Brexit”, Journal of Postcolonial Writing (Vol. 56, no. 5), pp. 607-620
Nussbaum Martha C. (2010), “Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism”, in Brown, G. Wallace and David Held (eds) The Cosmopolitan Reader (Cambridge, Polity Press), pp. 155– 162
Shaw Kristian (2018), “Brexlit”, in Eaglestone Robert ed., Brexit and Literature: Critical and Cultural Responses (New York, Routledge), pp. 15-30
Shaw Kristian (2021), Brexlit: British Literature and the European Project (London, Bloomsbury Academic)
Sierz Alex (2017), “Dark Times: British Theatre after Brexit”, A Journal of Performance and Art 115, pp. 3–11.
Sierz Alex (2020), “Brexit Revisited”, The Theatre Times, online, available at
Ward Stuart and Astrid Rasch, eds (2019), Embers of Empire in Brexit Britain (Bloomsbury Academic)
Language Unleashed: The Anatomy of Hate Speech in Contemporary Discourse
Editors: Giuseppe Balirano (University of Naples L'Orientale,; Robert Lawson (Birmingham City University, and Giuseppina Scotto di Carlo (University of Naples L'Orientale,
In recent years, in the ever-evolving landscape of contemporary communication, the phenomenon of hate speech has become a pressing concern, casting a dark shadow over the foundational principles of diversity and inclusivity in contemporary societies (Esposito and KhosraviNik, 2018; Balirano and Hughes, 2020). This insidious threat takes on various linguistic forms, necessitating a thorough exploration to unravel its complexity. The urgency to address this issue is emphasised by the alarming escalation of divisive rhetoric in public discourse, thus recognising the imperative need for more focused and thorough explorations. In this sense, linguistics, as a discipline, provides a unique perspective to dissect the intricacies of hate speech, revealing its layers through systematic analysis. Therefore, the present call for papers seeks contributions from scholars and researchers specialising in linguistic analyses, fostering a collaborative space to critically interrogate the multifaceted nature of hate speech. The goal is to uncover the underlying mechanisms, identify recurring discursive patterns, and unravel the socio-linguistic aspects contributing to the perpetuation of this phenomenon. By delving into the linguistic dimensions of hate speech, contributors are encouraged to explore how language is weaponised to propagate discriminatory ideologies and incite hostility. This examination not only facilitates a deeper understanding of the problem but also contributes to the development of strategies and interventions aimed at mitigating the impact of hate speech on diverse communities. Furthermore, the exploration extends to the evolution of hate speech in the digital age (Zappavigna, 2012; Papacharissi, 2015; Esposito and KhosraviNik, 2024), considering the role of online platforms and social media in amplifying its reach and impact. The interplay between linguistic expressions, digital communication, and the dissemination of hate speech poses a unique set of challenges that warrant scholarly attention.
In addition to linguistic analyses, researchers are encouraged to explore the broader socio-cultural context within which hate speech operates. This includes examining historical precedents, societal attitudes, and the role of institutions in either perpetuating or countering the proliferation of hate speech. Ultimately, this call for papers aims to assemble a rich tapestry of research that not only dissects the linguistic dimensions of hate speech but also provides a holistic understanding of its societal roots and implications.
We welcome submissions across a spectrum of themes, including but not limited to:
- Defining Hate Speech: Exploring the evolving definitions and interpretations of hate speech across different cultural, legal, and social contexts.
- Interpretation of Hate Symbols: Elucidating the meanings and interpretations of hate symbols, unraveling the relevance of these symbols in diverse cultural and communicative contexts.
- Impact on Society: Analysing the consequences of hate speech on individuals, communities, and the broader societal framework.
- Intersectionality: Examining the intersectional nature of hate speech, acknowledging the varied forms of discrimination it encompasses.
- Political Discourse: Scrutinising hate speech within political communication and its implications for democratic values.
- Hate speech in Digital Spaces: Conducting a critical discourse analysis of hate speech in digital spaces, particularly focusing on collective forms of discrimination.
- Hate speech in interpersonal relationships: Exploring self- and heterodesignation processes within the language interpersonal relationships.
- Analysis of Community Discourse: Exploring hate speech within specific online communities.
Submission of abstracts
Authors wishing to contribute to this issue of Anglistica AION are invited to send an abstract of their proposed article of no more than 300 words (excluding references) in MS Word format by 1st February 2024 to Giuseppe Balirano (, Robert Lawson ( and Giuseppina Scotto di Carlo ( [CC].
Important dates
Deadline for abstracts: February 1, 2024
Notification of acceptance: February 15, 2024
Deadline for completed articles: May 31, 2024
Publication Schedule
The accepted papers will be curated into a cohesive volume, aiming for publication in Anglistica AION ( in 2024.
For inquiries and submission details, please, contact Giuseppe Balirano (, Robert Lawson ( and Giuseppina Scotto di Carlo ( [CC]. We eagerly anticipate linguistically enriched contributions that will advance our understanding of hate speech in diverse linguistic contexts.
Balirano, Giuseppe / Hughes, Bronwen (Eds) 2020. Homing in on Hate: Critical Discourse Studies of Hate Speech, Discrimination and Inequality in the Digital Age. Naples: Paolo Loffredo Editore.
Esposito, Eleonora / KhosraviNik, Majid 2018. Online Hate, Digital Discourse and Critique: Exploring Digitally-mediated Discursive Practices of Gender-based Hostility. Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 14(1): 45 – 68.
Esposito, Eleonora / KhosraviNik, Majid (Eds) 2024. Discourse in the Digital Age: Social Media, Power, and Society. London and New York: Routledge.
Papacharissi, Zizi 2015. Affective Publics: Sentiment, Technology, and Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Zappavigna, Michele 2012. Discourse of Twitter and Social Media: How to Use Language to Create Affiliation on the Web. London: Bloomsbury.
Persuasion in Religious Discourse
Editors: Aoife Beville (University of Naples L'Orientale, and Stephen Pihlaja (Aston University,
Religious discourse, understood in a broad, functional sense (Harrison 2006; Hobbs 2021; Pihlaja 2021) often has a persuasive dimension. Indeed, certain kinds of texts are immediately recognisable as explicit argumentation: Da’wa, evangelism, apologetics or similar. However, persuasive strategies may also be revealed in appeals for almsgiving and financial donations, calls to social action, instructions for devotional practices or ethical choices, and so forth.
Persuasion, in linguistic terms, is not an inherently negative concept, despite the unpleasant connotations that it may evoke; it is, rather, “a legitimate function of argumentation” (Walton 2007, 46). Persuasion, therefore, is understood here as a kind of speech act (Austin 1962) which, prototypically, produces the perlocutionary effect of influencing the audience’s belief or actions.
‘Persuasion in Religious Discourse’ will be a special issue for Anglistica AION. An Interdisciplinary Journal. The issue aims to account for the forms and functions of persuasion in religious discourse. It, therefore, responds to “the perennial need for individuals and groups to be aware of the persuasive practices they use, or that are used upon them to produce or alter their beliefs and actions” (Fahnestock and Harris 2022, 1).
We invite analyses of patterns and practices of persuasion in a variety of religious discourses (meditative and sermon texts; hadiths; interpersonal discourse; representation of religion in fictional texts; social media and online discourse, etc.). ‘Religious’, here, refers to minority religions, world religions such as Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, and others, or to closely related concepts such as New Age spirituality, New Atheism, and mysticism. Diachronic and comparative approaches which further broaden these horizons are welcome. Furthermore, religious language may function as a stylistic device intended to persuade within other forms of discourse – Hobbs (2021) notes its use in media, advertising, politics, and popular culture.
Such analyses will serve to illuminate the rhetorical practices which constitute religious discourse and, which, in turn, construct religious, social, and cultural identities.
Possible methods of inquiry may include, but are not limited to:
- Rhetoric and argumentation studies
- Stylistics
- Conversation Analysis
- Discourse Analysis
- Pragmatics
- Anthropological, ethnomethodological and linguistic approaches to religious studies
- Historical linguistics
- Corpus linguistics
Please submit abstracts (300wds; max. 5 keywords; max. 5 references) along with a short biography to both editors and cc
Deadline for abstracts - 30th November 2023
Notification of acceptance – 20th December 2023
Deadline for completed articles - 31st March 2024
Adam, Martin. 2017. ‘Persuasion in Religious Discourse: Enhancing Credibility in Sermon Titles and Openings’. Discourse and Interaction 10 (2): 5–25.
Austin, J. L. 1962. How to Do Things with Words. Eastford, CT: Martino Fine Books.
Crystal, David. 2018. ‘Whatever Happened to Theolinguistics?’ In Religion, Language, and the Human Mind, edited by Paul Chilton and Monika Kopytowska, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Fahnestock, Jeanne. 2011. Rhetorical Style: The Uses of Language in Persuasion. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Fahnestock, Jeanne, and Randy Allen Harris, eds. 2022. The Routledge Handbook of Language and Persuasion. New York: Routledge.
Harris, Randy Allen, and Jeanne Fahnestock. 2022. ‘Rhetoric, Linguistics, and the Study of Persuasion’. In The Routledge Handbook of Language and PersuaHarsion, edited by Jeanne Fahnestock and Randy Allen Harris, 1–24. New York: Routledge.
Harrison, Victoria S. 2006. ‘The Pragmatics of Defining Religion in a Multi-Cultural World’. International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 59 (3): 133–52.
Hobbs, Valerie. 2021. An Introduction to Religious Language: Exploring Theolinguistics in Contemporary Contexts. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Jeffries, Lesley, and Dan McIntyre. 2010. Stylistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Keane, Webb. 1997. ‘Religious Language’. Annual Review of Anthropology 26 (1): 47–71.
Keane, Webb. 2005. ‘Language and Religion’. In A Companion to Linguistic Anthropology, 431–48. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Leech, Geoffrey. 2008. Language in Literature: Style and Foregrounding. New York: Pearson Longman.
Levinson, Stephen C. 1983. Pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Pihlaja, Stephen. 2018. Religious Talk Online: The Evangelical Discourse of Muslims, Christians and Atheists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Pihlaja, Stephen. ed. 2021. Analysing Religious Discourse. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Searle, John R. 1975. Expression and Meaning: Studies in the Theory of Speech Acts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Walton, Douglas, ed. 2007. ‘The Speech Act of Persuasion’. In Media Argumentation: Dialectic, Persuasion and Rhetoric, 46–90. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Wuthnow, Robert J. 2011. ‘Taking Talk Seriously: Religious Discourse as Social Practice’. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 50 (1): 1–21.