Code of ethics
Anglistica A.I.O.N.: An Interdisciplinary Journal (ISSN 2035-8504) is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and encourages editors and reviewers to follow the COPE Code of Conduct for Journal Editors and the COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers in regard to authorship, article submissions, conflicts of interest, editing and peer-reviewing, and ethical research.
Anglistica A.I.O.N.: An Interdisciplinary Journal requires all articles to include a clear and truthful attribution of authorship. The author must ensure that all authors are justly recognized and that the author list correctly reflects individual contributions.
Anglistica A.I.O.N.: An Interdisciplinary Journal evaluates submissions on the understanding that they are the original work of the author/s. It expects references made in a manuscript or article to another person’s work or idea to be attributed properly. Equally it requires authors to acquire all appropriate permissions prior to publication. Use of text, data, figures, or images without appropriate recognition or permission is considered plagiarism, as is the rephrasing of text, concepts, and ideas.
Anglistica A.I.O.N.: An Interdisciplinary Journal considers submissions on the agreement that they have not been previously published in or simultaneously submitted to another journal.
Submitted papers that contain false or fabricated data will be returned to the author immediately with a request for an explanation. If no clarification is received or if the clarification is insufficient, the journal will notify the authors' institution, local ethical committee, or superior.
We do occasionally publish translations of essays, either from English into Italian or into English for works originally published in languages other than English.
Conflict of interest
Anglistica A.I.O.N.: An Interdisciplinary Journal is committed to transparency in areas of potential conflict of interest. Conflict of interest exists when an author's private interests might be seen as influencing the objectivity of research.
Editors are required to recuse themselves from individual manuscripts if they themselves have a potential conflict of interest and to avoid creating potential conflicts of interest through assignment of handling editors or peer reviewers.
Anglistica A.I.O.N.: An Interdisciplinary Journal encourages editors to consider potential conflicts of interest when assigning reviewers. Where a reviewer declares potential conflict of interest the editor should select alternative reviewers.
Peer-review policy
Anglistica A.I.O.N.: An Interdisciplinary Journal has a double blind peer-review system. Manuscripts are reviewed by two independent anonymous experts in the relevant area. The reviewers make a scientific assessment and a recommendation. Reviewers remain unknown to authors. The guest editors and chief editor consider the manuscript and the reviewers' comments before making a final decision either to accept, accept with revision or to reject a manuscript. Editors and peer reviewers must treat all submissions respectfully and in confidence.
It is the responsibility of the editors to ensure that only genuine reviewers are proposed.
Ethical research
As a journal based at the Department of Literary, Linguistic and Comparative Studies at the University of Naples "L'Orientale", it is part of Anglistica A.I.O.N.'s mission to promote the highest standards of research through its publishing activities. Ensuring that the research we publish is conducted in a fair and ethical manner is fundamental.
Wherever appropriate, published research based on human subjects must provide the name of the local ethics committee that approved the study and/or to state how the study follows recognised standards.