Legislative frameworks and educational practices on gender related violence and youth in Catalonia
In this article we wish to systematize and present to an international
audience the state of the arts in preventive practices aimed at young people
in the field of gender violence and an accompanying policy framework in
the specific context of Catalonian society. This article is the result of the
research we are carrying out in the Gap Project for training professionals
working with the youth around gender violence. We will justify at the onset
the extreme importance of this topic by presenting some evidence of the
grave situation for young people on this issue. We shall then continue with
a critical contextualization of state legislation in order to proceed to
highlight the differences and similarities of other regional proposals. We
end our presentation by critically analyzing a selection of preventive
resources directed to the youth as developed in the Catalonian context.
Copyright (c) 2014 La camera blu. Rivista di studi di genere

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