Female ecopreneurship in the Italian Fashion Industry: a preliminary study
Female entrepreneurship is a growing research issue that has progressively gained interest among scholars. At the same time, the topic of sustainable entrepreneurship, and more specifically ecopreneurship, has emerged in the literature, highlighting the gradual development of women's businesses in many fields, including the fashion industry. This phenomenon was favoured by the market demand for sustainable products and the increased importance of corporate social responsibility in strategic management in many fields, including the fashion industry.
Starting from an overview of some of the emerging drivers influencing the fashion industry for long-lasting competitiveness, such as sustainability and circular economy, in this paper, a reasoned literature review on the topics of ecopreneurship and female entrepreneurship will be performed with a focus on the fashion industry. An analysis of information gathered from multiple web-based sources will be performed to investigate the phenomenon of female fashion ecopreneurship in Italy. Therefore, some stories can be a source of inspiration and emulation and can represent a sparkle for transforming an idea into a start-up company.
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