Khor Kharfut (Dhofar). A reassessment of the archaeological remains

  • Michele Degli Esposti Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
Keywords: Dhofar; coastal survey; Late Islamic period; painted inscriptions; rock shelters Between


The bay of Khor Kharfut, along the coast of Dhofar in southern Oman, hosts a variety of features connected with multiple phases of human occupation, including rock shelters, hut foundations, and more substantial - though heavily decayed - buildings. A survey was conducted to assess the age of these remains. Although the majority seems more likely to date to the Late Islamic period, earlier traces are present as well, including possible prehistoric graves and pre-Islamic structures. Overall the site, located at the mouth of Wadi Sayq, is a promising location for further archaeological research entailing the excavation of selected features.

How to Cite
Degli EspostiM. (2023). Khor Kharfut (Dhofar). A reassessment of the archaeological remains. Archeologie Tra Oriente E Occidente, 1, 15-34.