I silos come cultural heritage. Gli Open Digital Archives per l’analisi dei processi di patrimonializzazione

  • Maddalena Chimisso
Parole chiave: Silos, Cultural heritage, Cataloguing, Open Digital Archives, Open Science


The process of the patrimonialization of cultural heritage starts with knowledge actions which constitute the initial stages of exploratory enquiries and mapping. Cataloguing is the subsequent stage when officially appointed bodies compile detailed catalogue records that converge into specific inventories and catalogues. The open access databases of these institutions are veritable Open Digital Archives where research can be carried out; they can provide both useful results for cultural heritage protection and enhancement policies and investigate, from a historical-critical perspective, the heritage processes that have affected a specific cultural asset. The paper proposes the results of an initial exploration of the Open Digital Archives of the Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione (Italy), the Istituto del Patrimonio Cultural (Spain), the Direction du Patrimonio Culturel (Belgium) and the French Ministry of Culture’s Plateforme Ouverte du Patrimoine, focusing on silos, storage and stocking structures that characterize particular production landscapes.


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Come citare
ChimissoM. (2023). I silos come cultural heritage. Gli Open Digital Archives per l’analisi dei processi di patrimonializzazione. OS. Opificio Della Storia, 4(4), 88-101. https://doi.org/10.6093/2724-3192/10367