Current Issue

Vol 4 No 4 (2023): SILOS. Landscapes of plenty, repositories of memories
OS. Opificio della Storia_n.4/2023_Fascicolo completo
Published: 2023-10-15


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OS is a laboratory of ideas and research through which it is intended to promote the centrality of historical studies in the practices of knowledge, transmission and enhancement of production landscapes.

The Journal is expression of the National Association RESpro - Rete di storici per i paesaggi della produzione and is committed to giving voice to all researchers interested in defending and supporting the historical culture of work and places of production in all their declinations, economic and social, modern and contemporary, architecture and art, in an interdisciplinary perspective constantly open to the world of conservation, archaeology, geography and communication.

OS includes historical studies and applied research on production systems, from forestry-pastoral environments to agriculture and industry, and on rural and urban landscapes, captured in their material and immaterial dimensions and in their different economic, political, social, artistic and territorial articulations.

OS is a scientific journal published in Open Access on the platform SHARE Riviste within the Convention Universities Share, under the patronage of the Department of Architecture and Industrial Design of the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli.