Transform Active cities facing the ecological transition

Cha(lle)nges, strategies and practices in the EU panorama

  • Gabriella Pultrone Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria (IT), Department Architecture and Territory-dArTe
Keywords: Climate change, Ecological transition, Green cities


Climate change is the latest a threat multiplier, since it worsens most of humanity’s most pressing environmental, societal and economic challenges. Anyway, growing urbanisation brings both opportunities and challenges related to the ongoing transition process, since cities are at the forefront of changes and challenges. Regeneration of urban areas is a significant priority, which needs to take into account environmental quality, social justice and sustainable development. Transforming cities and regions into vibrant, sustainable, and resilient living places has become a key global priority. In the light of the above, the article – in the context of ongoing research activities – focuses on the ecological transition in the EU panorama, highlighting the active and decisive role of cities, with reference to some significant case studies in the implementation of Green and Nature-based Solutions (NBS) through an integrated, forward-looking, and broad-based planning approach. It is structured in three main parts. The first part places the theme in the international scientific context. The second, with reference to the EU panorama, highlights the fundamental role of NBS with reference to the methodological approach, and latest and most innovative ongoing policies, strategies and practices. The third part consists of the discussion and the consequent concluding remarks.



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Author Biography

Gabriella Pultrone, Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria (IT), Department Architecture and Territory-dArTe

Architect, PhD in Planning and Design of the Mediterranean City, Associate Professor in Urban Planning, at University of Reggio Calabria Mediterranea. Her research topics refer to: Cultural Heritage and Tourism for Sustainable Development; Planning and Design of the Mediterranean City with particular reference to the Adriatic Region and the port city of Trieste; Human Smart Cities; EU Cohesion policy; Social Innovation; Urban and regional planning for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and New Urban Agenda; Mitigation and adaptation to climate change; Urban Resilience; Urban Regeneration; Revitalization of historic minor centres and strategies for peripheral and inner areas. The results of her scientific research are the subject of over one hundred publications including scientific articles, essays on collective volumes and monographs and presented at national and international conferences.


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How to Cite
PultroneG. (2024). Transform Active cities facing the ecological transition. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, (1), 79-96.