From the lagoon-city to the lagoon of adaptive cities

Methodological approach to support trans-municipal and multilevel governance for climate adaptation in the Venice lagoon

Keywords: Climate change adaptation, spatial planning, fragile territories


The impacts of climate change and the increasing occurrence of consequent extreme events in recent years have led to significant environmental, social and economic consequences in a fragile and highly vulnerable territory such as Venice. It is precisely in this perspective, which considers areas particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate, that the scientific research program Venezia2021, coordinated by CORILA - Consortium for coordination of research activities concerning the Venice lagoon system, is inserted. The research in question involves a complex process of identification and integration of innovative tools, data processing and analysis and assessment of impacts, in order to contribute to the maintenance of a proper balance of the lagoon ecosystem in a perspective of increased climate resilience.

The overall objective of the research was to build a strategic, accurate and shared vision with respect to the challenges that await the preservation of the city and its lagoon, (a World Heritage Site), in consideration of climate change scenarios. Specifically, this paper analyzes the research experience of thematic axis No. 5 that led to the drafting of the Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the Venice Lagoon. The operational path that led to the construction of the plan was guided by an in-depth spatial study and development of an integrated system of analysis, assessment, planning, management and monitoring of the Venetian area capable of supporting the city and the activities that operate in it, through coordinated adaptation actions aimed at increasing sustainability and resilience as a whole.


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Author Biographies

Filippo Magni, University Iuav of Venice

PhD in planning and public policies for the territory, RTDa in urban and regional planning at University IUAV in Venice. His research focuses on the need to redesign urban planning tools. He has been the scientific coordinator of Interreg projects as well as of technical consultancy for Lombardy Region in the framework of the "F2C-Fondazione Cariplo per il clima" project.

Giulia Lucertini, Department of Architecture and Arts University Iuav of Venice, Venice, Italy

PhD in valuation and local economics at University of Padua and PhD  in “aide à la decision” at Université Paris Dauphine. Her research interests concern the evaluation of projects and policies for urban and rural development, especially referring to the multifunctional aspects of urban and peri-urban agriculture, meant both as factor of improvement for sustainable form of local economies and as resource to face climate changes through resilience and adaptation.

Katia Federico, Department of Architecture and Arts University Iuav of Venice, Venice, Italy

Research fellow at the University IUAV in Venice. Her research interests concern the relationship between circular economy and regional planning. At present she collaborates to research activities in the framework of a research grant (Iuav – ENEA) entitled: “Circular economy and resource governance in the urban-periurban relationship”.


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How to Cite
MagniF., LucertiniG., & FedericoK. (2024). From the lagoon-city to the lagoon of adaptive cities. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, (1), 155-168.