Direct and Indirect Information in Urban Space Planning

  • Alessandro Bove Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (DICEA)
  • Carlo Ghiraldelli Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (DICEA)
Keywords: Smart City, Urban Planning, Senseable City


The relationship between new technologies and urban space has become, especially with the introduction of the concept of smart city, the key in the definition of management options in the city itself.
The opportunities provided by the use of new technologies to manage the complexity of multiple aspects on the relationship between city and people can address strategies and innovation in order to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants. In smart cities different groups of people with different instances can be directly involved in the transformation process and the planners’ choices can be supported by information that once would have required costly research. This possibility is granted by the availability of great quantities of data that can be collected and analyzed. Direct information can be gathered by multiple sensors (accelerometer, a geomagnetic sensor, and proximity sensor, etc.) that offer an immediate evaluation of a specific phenomenon. At the same time other aspects can be evaluated by information obtained in social networks: these can contribute to the definition of urban design as the result of a multi criteria analyses. The way to achieve these strategies is a process of interaction between spatial reality and perceived reality made available by passive forms of participation that can help planners in understanding territorial actors’ / territorial users’ needs and requirements.
Through this approach, the design and decisions about urban space are not to be indifferent to the needs expressed by various categories of population.


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Author Biographies

Alessandro Bove, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (DICEA)

Born in Valdagno (Vicenza) August 5, 1975.
Research fellow on Evaluation of sustainability in urban regeneration at Padua University, DICEA.
2008, PhD in Building and Territorial Engineering at Bologna University.
2004, Master in Architectural Engineering at Padua University.
Since 2004 professor’s assistant at Faculty of Engineering, Padua University, of different lectures in Territorial and Urban Planning. Since 2004 member of research group for university and external research coordinated by professors V. Pollini and P. Boschetto.

Carlo Ghiraldelli, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (DICEA)

Born in Dolo (Venice) June 9, 1986
Ph.D. student in “Luoghi e Tempi della Città e del Territorio” from October 2011 at the University of Brescia, Faculty of Engineering.
Collaborator to research and teaching of Prof. Pasqualino Boschetto, Prof. Vittorio Pollini and Ing. Alessandro Bove.
Degree in Building Engineering awarded December 9, 2010 with 108/110 at the University of Padua Course in Engineering of Land in the academic year 2009/2010 at the University of Padua


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How to Cite
BoveA., & GhiraldelliC. (2013). Direct and Indirect Information in Urban Space Planning. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 6(2), 215-234.