Towards Intelligently - Sustainable Cities?

  • Luca Salvati Consiglio per la Ricerca e la sperimentazione in Agricoltura
  • Vittorio Gargiulo Morelli Sustainability and Strategy, Accenture Management and Consulting
  • Margot Weijnen Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, TU Delft
  • Ellen van Bueren Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, TU Delft
  • Ivo Wenzler Global Consulting Experts, Accenture Management and Consulting
  • Marke De Reuver Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, TU Delft
Keywords: Sustainable urban metabolism, Smart city, Assessment criteria, Regional Planning.


In the quest for achieving sustainable cities, Intelligent and Knowledge City Programmes (ICPs and KCPs) represent cost-efficient strategies for improving the overall performance of urban systems. However, even though nobody argues on the desirability of making cities “smarter”, the fundamental questions of how and to what extent can ICPs and KCPs contribute to the achievement of urban sustainability lack a precise answer. In the attempt of providing a structured answer to these interrogatives, this paper presents a methodology developed for investigating the modalities through which ICPs and KCPs contribute to the achievement or urban sustainability. Results suggest that ICPs and KCPs efficacy lies in supporting cities achieve a sustainable urban metabolism through optimization, innovation and behavior changes.


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Author Biographies

Luca Salvati, Consiglio per la Ricerca e la sperimentazione in Agricoltura

Luca is a geographer holding two bachelor’s degrees (ecology: 2000; demography and social sciences: 2004), a master's degree in economic statistics, a specialization degree in Geography and Environment, and a PhD in Economic Geography. He is Associate Professor of Cartography and GIS, Multivariate Statistics, and Strategic Environmental Assessment at Third University of Rome and collaborates with University of Rome 'La Sapienza' on projects pertaining to the field of urban and rural geography. After working with various national and European research institutions on projects concerning desertification, sustainable agriculture, land-use, climate change, urban sprawl and polycentric development at the regional scale, Luca now holds a chair at the Italian Council for Research and Experimentation in Agriculture (CRA).

Vittorio Gargiulo Morelli, Sustainability and Strategy, Accenture Management and Consulting
Vittorio achieved his Bachelor in Science degree in Environmental Engineering at the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, specializing in the fields of Urban Planning and Ecological Spatial Planning. Successively, Vittorio obtained his Master in Science degree in Engineering and Policy Analysis at Delft University of Technology, where he focused on subjects of Systems Modeling and Policy Analysis of Multi-Actor Systems, and completed his final thesis on Sustainable and Intelligent Cities. Vittorio has participated to several research projects concerning land-use change, urban sprawl and polycentric development, sustainable and intelligent cities and is author of one book and more than 10 scientific articles in English. He now works in Accenture’s Sustainability and Strategy Team based in Milan.
Margot Weijnen, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, TU Delft
Margot has graduated in Chemical Technology and holds a PhD from TU Delft. She has worked for Shell in Amsterdam, Pernis and The Hague. From 1990 to 1995 she was scientific director of Interduct, the Delft University Clean Technology Institute and successively appointed Professor of Process and Energy Systems and became head of the Technology department (now Infrastructure Systems & Services) at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management. In 1998 she was appointed scientific director of the Delft Research Center for the Design and Management of Infrastructures and works is director of the Next Generation Infrastructures Foundation since 2003.
Ellen van Bueren, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, TU Delft

Ellen holds a PhD in Technology, Policy and Management and is an assistant professor at Delft University of Technology. Her research and teaching focus on decision making for complex problems that require multiple actors to collaborate. She started her career in sustainable urban planning, which is still one of her favourite research domains. She is editor of Bestuurskunde (the Dutch journal of public administration) and regional associate editor of the journal Smart and Sustainable Built Environment.

Ivo Wenzler, Global Consulting Experts, Accenture Management and Consulting

Ivo is a Senior Expert within Accenture’s Management Consulting Experts Group and an associate professor and researcher at the faculty of Technology, Policy and Management at the Delft University of Technology. He is a co-founder of SAGANET (the Netherlands Simulation and Gaming Association), member of ISAGA (International Simulation and Gaming Association) and SOL (Society for Organizational Learning), and sits on the editorial board of the Simulation and Gaming Journal. In parallel with his activities in Accenture, Ivo teaches a master’s course in simulation and gaming design at TU Delft and publishes regularly in the field of simulation and gaming.

Marke De Reuver, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, TU Delft

Mark is Assistant Professor at Delft University of Technology, Faculty Technology Policy and Management, Section Information and Communication Technology. He received his PhD degree in 2009 for the thesis titled `Governing mobile service innovation in co-evolving value networks'. Since 2009, he published 16 journal articles in information systems, telecommunications and business journals. His current research interests focus on smart living and eHealth platforms.


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How to Cite
SalvatiL., Gargiulo MorelliV., WeijnenM., van BuerenE., WenzlerI., & De ReuverM. (2013). Towards Intelligently - Sustainable Cities?. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 6(1), 73-86.