Creating Smart Urban Landscapes. A Multimedia Platform for Placemaking

  • Marichela Sepe IRAT-CNR
Keywords: Placemaking, Smart urban spaces, Quality of life, Multimedia platforms


Infrastructure we have become accustomed to using in a different manner by the cyber city is at the heart of what today is known as the "smart city", in which the whole range of technologies are at the service of the city both to improve the quality of life and ensure its sustainability.  The smart approach to the city construction and transformation finds its roots in the concept of Cyberspace. This is a wide open field, still partially undetermined, which cannot be reduced to one of its components. It serves to interconnect all the devices concerning creation, recording, communication and simulation. In order to illustrate the smart approach to placemaking - meant as the art of making place for people - and implicitly the achieving of a better quality of life, the new DIV@TER multimedia platform, in course of development, is proposed. Div@ter is a dynamic and interactive platform for the complex-sensitive management of the qualitative data of a territory, whose research project has been financed by POR FESR Lazio Region 2007/2013 Axis 1- Activity 1.1. The synthesis of the Esplanade area in Helsinki case study will complete the paper. This case is in line with the projects and relative goals carried out by Forum Virium Helsinki 2015, which is developing new urban digital services. Among these, the Smart City Project Area is devoted to the development of digital urban services for easier travelling and living in the city through the use of mobile devices which are integrated into everyday objects and activities.


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Author Biography

Marichela Sepe, IRAT-CNR
Marichela Sepe since 1995 is with the Italian National Research Council in Naples (, where since 2001 she is a researcher. Since 2009 she is with the Institute of Service Industry Research of Naples of the Italian National Research Council (  Since 2003, she is also with the Department of Architecture of the University of Naples (  She is in the Research Doctorate Committee in Urban Design and Planning and Contract Professor of the University of Naples Federico II. In 2004 she was visiting scholar at the Department of Urban Studies and Planning of MIT, Cambridge.  In 2013 she has been visiting Professor in the Peking University and held lectures in the Peking, Wuhan and Xi'an Universities. Her research interests include: urban landscape analysis and planning; urban design; multimedia software; creative urban regeneration. On these topics, she has published several national and international journal articles, conference papers, books and book chapters.  Drs Sepe is Vice-President of Inu-Campania, and member of Urban Design Group, DO.CO.MO.MO and EURA.


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How to Cite
SepeM. (2014). Creating Smart Urban Landscapes. A Multimedia Platform for Placemaking. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment.