The Plan in Addressing the Post Shock Conflicts 2009-2014. A First Balance Sheet of the Reconstruction of L’Aquila

  • Fabio Andreassi Department of Civil, Construction Architectural and Environmental Engineering, University of L’Aquila
  • Pierluigi Properzi Department of Civil, Construction Architectural and Environmental Engineering, University of L’Aquila
Keywords: L’Aquila, Shock, Plans, Urban history


Five years after the earthquake in Abruzzo in 2009 it is possible to draw up a first balance sheet of the public actions carried out so far in relation to reconstruction. The transformations undergone by L’Aquila and the territory of Abruzzo impose a re-reading of the institutional framework and of the role that the Plan can have in addressing the conflicts deriving from the physical and social reconstruction of the regional capital. But the joint presence of many and various litigious actors makes it complex to adopt a new season of projects able to make the most of the substantial public financing and to direct this towards agreed models of urban development. Moreover a comparison with the effectiveness of public actions that may be observed in analogous cases in the urban history of  L’Aquila makes the picture even more alarming.


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Author Biographies

Fabio Andreassi, Department of Civil, Construction Architectural and Environmental Engineering, University of L’Aquila
Architect. Adjunct Professor. Teaches Urban Design.
Pierluigi Properzi, Department of Civil, Construction Architectural and Environmental Engineering, University of L’Aquila
Architect. Full Professor. Teaches Technical Planning


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How to Cite
AndreassiF., & ProperziP. (2014). The Plan in Addressing the Post Shock Conflicts 2009-2014. A First Balance Sheet of the Reconstruction of L’Aquila. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment.