Achieving People Friendly Accessibility. Key Concepts and a Case Study Overview

  • Michela Tiboni DICATAM – Università degli Studi di Brescia
  • Silvia Rossetti DICATAM – Università degli Studi di Brescia
Keywords: Urban planning, Friendly mobility, Accessibility, Amsterdam


The present paper stems from the evidence that one of the reasons of the “crisis” of today's cities probably depend on mobility issues.   But what should be done to confront all the negative impacts of passenger transportation, without curbing mobility? Can Urban Engineering be applied to promote a friendlier mobility, that should be not only environment and climate friendly, but user friendly as well? And how? A "people friendly" accessibility approach is presented and conceived as a solution to better integrate land uses with the transport system, satisfying people's expectations (especially those of vulnerable users) to easily reach the opportunities they wish to engage with.  The case study of Amsterdam, as walkable and cycle friendly city, is briefly presented and reveal good practices in the field of urban and mobility planning.  Finally, an isochronical accessibility analysis of Amsterdam is applied: it represent catchment areas of railways stations and of supermarkets, and it highlights how much the structure of the city supports bicycle use.


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Author Biographies

Michela Tiboni, DICATAM – Università degli Studi di Brescia
Civil Engineer and associate professor of Town and Country Planning at the University of Brescia. She holds a PhD in Town planning technique from the Polytechnic of Milan, and she is author of more than 100 scientific publications. Her researches are mainly focused on land-use dynamics and environmental hazards, environmental assessments of plans, urban policies and techniques for more sustainable and safer towns. She has been involved in many projects on safety in mobility and urban management, like the DUMAS and the SOL EU projects. She was also delegate in the EU COST Action C27 on Minor Deprived Urban Communities.
Silvia Rossetti, DICATAM – Università degli Studi di Brescia

Environmental Engineer, she works as research fellow at the University of Brescia, DICATAM Department, where she cooperates with the research activities of the urban and transport planning group. She holds a PhD in "Places and Times of the City and its Territory". Her research interests focus on sustainable mobility and road safety issues, analysing their relationships with the urban form. She has been involved in some EU founded research projects, like  ROSEE “Road Safety in South East Europe”, SOL “Save Our Lives” and the COST Action TU1002  “Accessibility Instruments for Planning Practice in Europe”.


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How to Cite
TiboniM., & RossettiS. (2014). Achieving People Friendly Accessibility. Key Concepts and a Case Study Overview. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment.