Virtual Power Plant. Environmental Technology Management Tools of The Settlement Processes

  • Maurizio Sibilla Department of Planning, Design and Technology of Architecture, Sapienza
Keywords: Distributed Energy Resource, Energy Planning, Urban Renewable Processes, Urban Metabolism


The Distributed Energy Resource (DER) systems represent a possible option for the implementation of the Low Carbon Cities development scenario, consistently with EU orientations. Many surveys, especially of engineering and information technology origin, are contributing to DER systems spread through testing the Virtual Power Plan (VVP): a technological system aimed at synchronously managing the information and energy fluxes, and able to have an effect on the urban metabolism balance and on the energy chain organizational model.  In the event of a wider VVP spread, consequences for the urban structure social and technical conversion process might be envisioned. Such systems gain importance in terms of starting urban renewal processes, introducing new rules for the local energy and environmental infrastructures.  In this way, it is envisioned the need for a deeper comprehension of the VVP innovative functionalities, this comprehension being significant for all the branches of knowledge which are interested in developing methods and tools for the Environmental Technology Management and Planning of the settlement processes.  The author, who is interested in producing and organizing an energy, distributed, renewable and interactive model, shows, through a critical analysis of the Electricity Networks Europe program study cases, the operating potential of the new system, emphasizing the consequences on the settlement process development, thus providing a first definition of the strategic features for the VVP technical and social implementation.


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Author Biography

Maurizio Sibilla, Department of Planning, Design and Technology of Architecture, Sapienza

He has been teaching and researching at the Department of Planning, Design and Technology of Architecture, of the Sapienza University of Rome since 2007, when he began his doctorate programme. He has been working as adjunct professor and, following the PhD (2011), also as a fellow researcher (2012-2013) . The scientific, teaching and experimental design activity is aimed at offering a contribution to the understanding and development of logical and technical-operational connections between design technology culture, innovations and transformations of the environment built. Scientific interest is currently focused on energy infrastructure innovations, in particular on the analysis of eco-efficient organization of settlements and buildings; these studies converge into the field of Environmental Technology Management and Planning.  He carries out independent research activity, often intended as applied research focused on the implementation of Complex Programmes, related to environmental and energy issues of settlements.


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How to Cite
SibillaM. (2014). Virtual Power Plant. Environmental Technology Management Tools of The Settlement Processes. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment.