Piano dei Servizi. Proposal for Contents and Guideline

  • Roberto Gerundo Department of Civil Engineering- DICIV, University of Salerno
  • Gabriella Graziuso Department of Civil Engineering- DICIV, University of Salerno
Keywords: Facilities plan, Services plan, Performance standards, Urban quality


As an endless melting pot of experimentation and innovation, cities must reorganize and retrain compared to the growing new needs. In the light of the actual urban debate, it can be useful to do an in-depth study. In fact, the quality of urban life and collective well-being cannot be separated from the identification of a network of public services and facilities, that organizes and structures the city. That network is not resolved in the themes of pre-school and compulsory education, public interest, green spaces, car parks and public interest, but rather has a wider variety of types. Noting the failure of attempts to define, a priori, a quantity of universally valid services, it is necessary to rethink the ways and criteria of most of the infrastructural facilities. The "Piano dei Servizi" is the tool for the implementation of a concrete policy of services for public interest, and it means the transition between a planning standard, in terms of quantity, in a standard that meets quality requirements. It represents a specific section of the urban development plan, which has to consider problems and shortcomings, and try to solve them by finding opportunities which physical locations offer. In this way a planning standard is not configured as an abstract quantity, but as the material composition of the urban plan, which results in a land use and land development proposal.


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Author Biographies

Roberto Gerundo, Department of Civil Engineering- DICIV, University of Salerno

After the high school , he attended the Air Force Academy of Pozzuoli for three years, taking a degree in civil engineering building at the University of Naples (1979) with 110/110 cum laude. He practices to design in first the Urban Plans (1975-78) at the office of Luigi Cosenza in Naples, he participates in the work of post-sismic reconstruction, and works at the service urban planning of the Campania Region (1982-83) and the Commissioner for the flegreo bradyseism (1984-87).

He is a researcher at the Centre for the Study of the FILT and an expert on urban planning at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture in Naples (1981-86). He is appointed Assistant Professor in planning (1988) and associate professor of urban planning and engineering (2001) from the University of Salerno. He launches the teachings of urban engineering, analysis of urban and territorial systems and town planning at the degree courses in civil engineering, the environment and the land and architecture (1992). He founded and directed the magazine areAVasta, Journal of Urban Planning and organization of the territory (2000) . He thinks and coordinates Urbing , supportive and non-hierarchical network of teachers in urban planning at the Faculty of Engineering on the issues of teaching, research , popular science and higher education (2001). He organizes the Gruppo di Tecnica e Pianificazione and coordinates the laboratory of studies and research in partnership with a number of local authorities (2005). He teaches in the graduate schools and master's degree from the University of Ferrara, Rome La Sapienza , Calabria , Basilicata, Naples Federico II and the Polytechnic of Milan and coordinates the Lamav of Salerno. He works in public administration as councilor of planning in the towns of Pozzuoli (1993-94) and Pagani (1999-2002), and as director dell'Atan (1993-94) and he collaborates with the Procura della Repubblica in investigating crimes in urban planning, as well as experimenting with innovative forms of municipal urban planning. He is an effective member of INU (1985) and President of Inu Campania (2006), he is a member of the National Executive Council (2006) and President of board of national studies of Government of the territory in a wide area (2008-06) as well as being director of annual days of studies Inu (2004).

Gabriella Graziuso, Department of Civil Engineering- DICIV, University of Salerno

After graduating in Civil Engineering at the University of Salerno in 2012, with 110/110, she qualifies to the profession of engineer at the University of Salerno in 2013. She participates in research initiatives and scientific and technical analisys of the activities of the Gruppo di Tecnica e Pianificazione Urbanistica of the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Salerno, with regard to issues related to the formation of the tools of government land , even with reference to the valuation aspects. In addition, for the AY 2012-2013 she worked in educational activities related to the course of City Planning, the Master of Science in Architectural Engineering, taking specific training seminars, and conducting exercises and tutoring towards the students of the course. In 2014 she enrolled in the first year of the doctoral course in Civil Engineering and Architecture, Environmental and Territorial path Structural Engineering, Building and Urban Rehabilitation. Main fields of research: planning standards of performance, developing inland areas.


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How to Cite
GerundoR., & GraziusoG. (2014). Piano dei Servizi. Proposal for Contents and Guideline. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment. https://doi.org/10.6092/1970-9870/2545