Smart Dialogue for Smart Citizens: Assertive Approaches for Strategic Planning

  • Isidoro Fasolino University of Salerno Department of Civil Engineering
  • Maria Veronica Izzo University of Salerno Department of Civil Engineering
Keywords: Participatory processes, New governance, Assertiveness


It is very important to know how to communicate, but even more important is knowing how to listen. There is no dialogue without listening. Listening and speaking can generate a virtuous cycle that, enriching the field of information, allows the introduction of essential elements of innovation. It is relevant in this context the assertive ability of who manages and coordinates the decision-making processes. The potential of new approaches based on assertiveness are the new frontier of research discipline that is able to meet future challenges aiming to contribute to the construction of places and forms of living together in the growing interest of fairness and justice. Assertive facilitator knows how to guide difficult people and handle very hard situations without adopting manipulative behaviors. He is able to detect the potential conflict and to bring to light the reasons for disagreement , softening the tone and avoiding any possible uncontrolled escalation. He encourages debates and open discussions; he has to build links too, fueling reports profits, collaborating with others toward common goals; speaking and discussing in groups and among groups; seeking solutions in which, both parties, come out winning. So the view expressed is argument of discussion in the development of the tools of urban structure, with the aim of implementing a participatory methodology in the development of planning tools. We propose an application in the series of meetings of initial preparatory participation to the formation of a Preliminary Plan for a medium size town.


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Author Biographies

Isidoro Fasolino, University of Salerno Department of Civil Engineering

He graduated at the University of Salerno on 19.12.1988 in Civil Engineering for Soil Defence and Urban Planning with a degree in Urban Planning. He took professional qualification of engineer and he registered at the Order of Engineers of the province of Salerno , nr. 2383 from 13.6.1989. He received the title of PhD in Urban Planning at the University of Rome "La Sapienza". He is Researcher in the scientific field ICAR20 – Technique and Urban Planning at the Department of Civil Engineering (DiCiv) at University of Salerno , where he teaches Analysis of urban and territorial Systems and Fundaments of planning technique. The main areas of scientific investigation focused on research , both basic and applied, regarding methods and techniques to design urban plan, with particular reference to: cognitive analysis, extraction of requirements, development and implementation of decisions and control of soil consumption in the settlement processes. He is coordinator of the Group of Technique and urban planning at DiCiv; he is coordinator, within appropriate institutional agreements, of expert advices and scientific and technical support to institutions for drafting urban planning instruments of government of the territory, too. He has carried out studies and research , as well as lecturing and tutoring in Master and schools, as well as for other universities: the University of Rome La Sapienza, the University of Naples Federico II , the University of Basilicata, the University of Calabria. He wrote numerous articles, essays and books in the areas of urban planning technique, Urban Planning and Territorial and urban Policies. He is effective member of the National Institute of Urban Planning (INU) and member of the Regional Directory of INU Campania.

Maria Veronica Izzo, University of Salerno Department of Civil Engineering

She graduated with honors in Architecture (2007) at the University of Naples “Federico II” after attending the VI Itinerant Seminar of Urban Planning (Villard VI - 2004-05) in Italian and foreign faculty. She takes professional qualification of architect in 2008 registering at the Order of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservationists of the province of Salerno, nr. 2592. She explores the issues of sustainable and participatory planning at the University of Roma Tre in 2011 and obtains a diploma of Wide Area Management and Finance City in 2012. She is PhD student in Civil Engineering for the Environment and Territory and member of the Gruppo di Tecnica e Pianificazione Urbanistica at the University of Salerno; at the same university she is honorary expert in urban planning and co-tutor for thesis regarding the same field. She provides professional advice to public authorities in urban planning; she works in teams, as private consultant, in urban and architectural projects. She is adherent partner of the National Institute of Urban Planning (INU) and member of the Regional Directory of INU Campania.


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How to Cite
FasolinoI., & IzzoM. (2014). Smart Dialogue for Smart Citizens: Assertive Approaches for Strategic Planning. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment.