Urban Development in Tuscany. Land Uptake and Landscapes Changes

  • Francesco Zullo University of L'Aquila
  • Gabriele Paolinelli University of Florence
  • Valentina Fiordigigli University of L'Aquila
  • Lorena Fiorini University of L'Aquila
  • Bernardino Romano University of L'Aquila
Keywords: Soil Sealing, Landscape, GIS


The phenomenon of urban sprawl has been already recognized as one of the major anthropic threats to natural ecosystems and landscapes while the negative aspects of the phenomenon are still only marginally taken into consideration in the scientific and local government circles. The recent decision of the European Parliament points out that the degradation, fragmentation and non-sustainable use of land in the EU is jeopardizing several important ecosystem services, threatening biodiversity and increasing Europe’s vulnerability to climate change, natural disasters and desertification. The study regards the processing of data on urban land conversion over the past 50 years and the effects in the areas of high environmental vulnerability in one of the most important Italian region: Tuscany. The historical data were compared from a qualitative and quantitative viewpoint with the present-day geography of settlements, which showing changes found in today’s settlement-territorial structure. The conclusion reports focuses on collated environmental criticalities and the margins for recovery of the compromised territories that still today receive little attention from central institutions and local authorities, in addition to data on landscape effects to be construed as signs of specific trends underway today and scarcely taken into account by land management tools.


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Author Biographies

Francesco Zullo, University of L'Aquila
Adjunct Professor in Analysis and Environmental  Evaluation and Ph.D. in Environmental Science at the University of L’Aquila, where he performs research in Landscape Ecology and Environmental GIS Application. His research interests include ecological network planning, land use change, GIS techniques for territorial analysis and spatial statistics. Is author of 30 scientific publication on environmental research issues.
Gabriele Paolinelli, University of Florence
Gabriele Paolinelli, architect, is researcher and professor at the Department of Architecture of Florence. He teaches Landscape Design at the master degree programme in Landscape Architecture and is coordinator of the Landscape Architecture ph.d. programme. He is editor in chief of the scientific journal Ri-Vista - Research for Landscape Design, referee for national and international scientific journals and consultant for public institutions and private companies.
Valentina Fiordigigli, University of L'Aquila
Bachelor student in Engineering for the Environment and Territory. University of L’Aquila. His thesis focused on the landscape effects of land uptake in Tuscany.
Lorena Fiorini, University of L'Aquila
Graduated in Environmental Engineering in 2014 with the thesis in land planning: “Urban development and environmental dynamics: the case of Region Sicily”. She is currently a PhD student in "Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering" at the University of  L'Aquila. Her research, in particular, is focused in the Italian Database on Land Uptake over the past 50 years and she is author of  some papers and publications about landscape ecology and land planning.
Bernardino Romano, University of L'Aquila
Professor of Land Planning at the University of L'Aquila . His research is mainly oriented towards the effects of settlements on the environment. Significant results have been experimenting with different indices of environmental fragmentation, the study of regional ecological networks and the inclusion of these concepts in various regional plans, including Umbria and Veneto, and the National Strategy of Biodiversity. He is consultant for various government agencies, reviewer of international journals and author of over 150 publications. Among these one of the first books on Italian ecological networks ( Andromeda , 1996) , four volumes on the implications of landscape planning (Andromeda, 2000; Gangemi, 2003; Gangemi, 2007; De Agostini, 2007) and three of the first works on international journal about the land take in Italy.


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How to Cite
ZulloF., PaolinelliG., FiordigigliV., FioriniL., & RomanoB. (2015). Urban Development in Tuscany. Land Uptake and Landscapes Changes. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 8(2), 183-202. https://doi.org/10.6092/1970-9870/2864
LUME (Land Use, Mobility and Environment)