Public Private Partnerships for Resilient Communities

  • Piero Pelizzaro Climalia srl / Kyoto Club
Keywords: Adaptation, Mitigation, Participatory Process, Climate Change, Resilience, Risk


This article focuses on the role of local institutions in mitigation and adaptation to climate change, considering learning experiences in promoting public-private partnerships in to resilient actions. It does so under the belief that climate impacts will affect disadvantaged social groups and small-communities more disproportionately, and that local institutions centrally influence how different social groups gain access to and are able to use assets and resources. Looking at the increasing awareness that global temperatures will raise, a mentality "Climate-smart" must be adopted by all levels of decision-making. This approach involves the search for synergies between climate change mitigation and adaptation, wherever is possible. As for mitigation, for adaptation we consider similar pre-conditions. Base on this pre-conditions we identify Public Private Partnerships as a challenge possibility to finance decentralized renewable energies and green infrastructure for resilient communities. The article aims to demonstrate two main unclear topics in existing understanding about institutions and climate change responses: the correlation among Public Private Partnerships and participatory process and how it lead to win-win climate responses funding, a learning experience from Sustainable Energy Action Plan - Within the MED Programme project ZeroCO2[1] - and Local Adaptation Plan development – within the LIFE+ project BLUE AP[2].

[1] Kyoto Club was partner of the MED Project ZERO CO2

[2] Kyoto Club is partner of the LIFE+ Project BLUE AP Bologna Local Urban Environment Adaptation Plan for Resilient City –


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Author Biography

Piero Pelizzaro, Climalia srl / Kyoto Club

He is a Resilient Specialist and co-founder of Climalia, the first Italian start-up company on Climate Services. He is also Acclimatise Associate and member of the Working Group Local Authorities for Kyoto at Kyoto Club No Profit. Currently is an external consultant for The Ministry of the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea of Italy for training activities on Urban Adaptation Policy to Climate Change. He is also member of the Milan Municipality Working Group that is in charge to develop the Urban Resilience Strategy. 

At the moment he is leading the LIFE+ project BlueAP Bologna Local Urban Environment Adaptation Plan for a Resilient City (Senior Expert), LIFE+ RECOIL Recovered waste cooking oil for combined heat and power production (Technical Director), MED ZeroCO2 Small communities for big changing. He is member of the Advisory Board of the EU FP7 Ramses Project that aims to structure a cost\benfit analysis methodology for Urban Adaptation Plan. 

Expert on Adaptation Policy and Resilience to Climate Change and further specialization in Energy Scenario and Climate Change Impact Models  through his past working experience at Stockholm Environment Institute – Tallinn Office.  In past years he collaborated with EU MP, Umberto Guidoni; at the moment he is writing for different magazine and web-portal on climate change issue.


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How to Cite
PelizzaroP. (2015). Public Private Partnerships for Resilient Communities. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 123-134.