"Natural" disasters as (neo-liberal) opportunity? Discussing post-hurricane Katrina urban regeneration in New Orleans

Keywords: Environmental Disaster, New Orleans, Neo-liberal, Hurricane Katrina


By providing a wide literature review, post-hurricane Katrina uneven urban regeneration in New Orleans is presented here by framing it within a historical perspective in order to underline how environmental threats too often seem to be not so much “natural” but rather man-made as well as to highlight both the reasons and the ways in which, in post-disaster reconstruction, competitive growth has been valued over equity, by directly benefiting those who were already the most advantaged. The aim is to highlight how environmental disasters can be considered as socially constructed phenomena, as they cannot be seen as a single event but rather as a process made by a series of progressive steps occurring within different spheres, which do not necessarily concern the environment only. 


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Author Biography

Cecilia Scoppetta, Università La Sapienza di Roma

PhD. in Town and Regional Planning at Sapienza University (Rome). Besides academic research and teaching activity, she has been chief-redactor of the international journal “urbanistica pvs” as well as scientific consultant of ICOMOS and UNESCO.


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How to Cite
ScoppettaC. (2016). "Natural" disasters as (neo-liberal) opportunity? Discussing post-hurricane Katrina urban regeneration in New Orleans. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 9(1), 25-41. https://doi.org/10.6092/1970-9870/3725