Waterfront and urban regeneration

  • Francesca Pirlone DICCA- University of Genoa
  • Davide Erriu Freelance
Keywords: waterfront, regeneration, Genoa port-city


The purpose of this paper is to understand if the strength of water is so important like in the past and to see like this element can be the driving force for redevelopment and urban regeneration of a city- port.

The waterfront represents those parts of a city develop from the contact with the water until to involve the inner parts, it is a sort of permeable urban surface where the link with water is able to conjugate the different ways to live this special bond. This view permits to look at the waterfront, not only as a simple urban area well defined, but it is a new method to watch the city that draws the inspiration from the water for its future assets, without to forget its identity.

Genoa represents an example of Mediterranean city (such as Marseille, Valencia and Barcelona).

Our research brings from a debate among the different actors (University, Planning Section of the Municipality, Port Authority) to an elaboration of some future proposals which underline the different meanings of the relationship with water in the west of Genoa, Prà-Voltri’s area: from walking on different levels, above and below the channel specially designed, the opportunity to live (as in previous years) the beach for swimming, recreational and sporting appearance in a new Channel, in the continuation of activities in the existing Prà Channel. These elaborations are designed to determine the functions that the new Channel could take becoming in turn an urban redevelopment tool: the influence of the Channel, in fact, it should reach the city center reconnecting to historical paths and the promenade to become an integral part of the everyday life.


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Author Biographies

Francesca Pirlone, DICCA- University of Genoa
Assistant Professor in town planning at Polytechnic School - University of Genoa, engineer and PhD. She has developed different lines of research, from requalification, natural risks, sustainability, infrastructures and mobility, activities carried out in particular in EU programs. Author of numerous publications and speakers at International and National Conferences.
Davide Erriu, Freelance

Building engineer graduated at the Polytechnic School - University of Genoa. From college he is dedicated to the urban planning. Actually he is working and collaborating as engineer with different design studios.


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How to Cite
PirloneF., & ErriuD. (2016). Waterfront and urban regeneration. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 9(3), 305-322. https://doi.org/10.6092/1970-9870/3990