Urban Voids: renewal and regeneration experiences in Naples

  • Gabriella Punziano Gran Sasso Science Institute - GSSI & Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
  • Anna Terracciano DiArc - Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Keywords: Naples, regeneration, brown-field, social-field, future city visions, implicit writing


City and society, by definition unstable, constantly redefine the relation between places and actors, generating frequently critical circumstances that are addressed by only temporary solutions. The unexpected and uncontrolled social conditions and lifestyles build new geographies and centres. The activities of dismantlement, degradation, reuse, abandonment, and land use, continuously blend materials and relationships and requires rethinking the methods of describing the city and defining a new grammar of representation closer to the contemporary space, materials, actors, and relationship. Focusing on experiences of renewal, regeneration and recycle, the objective of this exploratory study is to investigate their different impacts in a well-known complex urban system as Naples. The study emphases on the urban and social dimensions, favouring a descriptive and visual perspective from those who experience life in the city, considering  the processes implemented by local actors and the reactions of inhabitants to these processes. Infact in Naples, despite its critical conditions, it is possible to trace signals indicating small informal practices of re-use in vacant or ruined areas, as well as existing small-scale clustering processes to re-adapt single buildings or spaces for new uses. So,  this study uses an innovative methodology to investigate this emerging implied writing as a set of latent questions and needs expressing renewal, regeneration and recycle phenomena. Through this technique, we will focus on the images of the city and its development trajectories.


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Author Biographies

Gabriella Punziano, Gran Sasso Science Institute - GSSI & Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Post-doctoral Research Fellow in Social Sciences and Urban Studies. I hold a Ph.D. in Sociology and Social Research at the University of Naples Federico II with a thesis on social research methodology for the comparative study of  welfare systems and territorial inequalities in Europe. Among my recent pubblications: I MixedMethods nella ricerca sociale, Carocci Editore, Roma, with Enrica Amaturo; The European Social Model Adrift, Routledge, London, with Serena Romano.
Anna Terracciano, DiArc - Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

Architect and PhD in Urban Design and Planning at the Department of Architecture (DiARC) - University of Naples Federico II (UNINA), where she is currently a Research Fellow in Urbanism. In 2002/2003 has been awarded an ERASMUS European Study Abroad Progra at ETSAB Escola Tecnica Superiora de Arquitectura de Barcelona - UPC Universitat Polytecnica de Catalunya. Her research focuses on the evolution of tools, methods and languages to visualize the complexity of the urban phenomena and contexts in the contemporary city. In particular, she proposes a methodology to visualize, in a programmatic way, a new incremental dimension of the project as process. As an expert of these topics, she collaborates in teaching at the Laboratories of Urban Planning of DiARC-UNINA. She has attended numerous national and international conferences, seminars and workshops about the transformation and regeneration of the city and has worked in several research teams of DiARC-UNINA, e.g. research unit of Naples in the national research project 2013/2016 (P.R.I.N.) “Re-cycle Italy. New life cycles for architecture and infrastructure of city and landscape” and in the International Workshop and Exhibition “Roma 20-25. New life cycles of the metropolis”.  The results of her researches are presented in articles, papers and books such as “Design of Plans amid allusiveness, rules and programmes” in Urbanistica n.154 (2014), "Napoli recycling and re(land)scaping the drosscape" in "Re-cycle Italy Atlante" by Fabian L. and Munarin S., LetteraVentidue Eds. (2016), “DROSSCITY. Urban Metabolism, resilience and drosscapes recycle project” ListLAB (2016), "Rome-Resilient Osmotic Metabolic Ecological 20-25”, ListLAB (2017). During her career, she took part in the drafting of many plans, urban projects and contests.


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How to Cite
PunzianoG., & TerraccianoA. (2017). Urban Voids: renewal and regeneration experiences in Naples. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 10(3), 299-323. https://doi.org/10.6092/1970-9870/5171