Implementing ITI for urban development locally

Keywords: Sustainable Urban Development, Integrated Territorial Investment, European Cohesion Policy, Greek Cities, Veria


In the current Programming Period (2014-2020) the European Commission has introduced a new strategic instrument, the Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI), which shifts the decisions on allocation of funds to the local level and, most importantly, enables drawing of funds from several priority axes and from several European Structural and Investment Funds. Greece is one of EU member countries that has committed on using ITIs as a tool for urban development. In August 2016, in the Region of Central Macedonia, urban authorities with a population of over 10.000 inhabitants were invited by the Managing Authority of the Regional Operational Programme to submit a Strategy for Sustainable Urban Development (SUD), through the mandatory implementation of the ITI tool. The paper focuses on one of these municipalities, the city of Veria, where the ITI approach has been implemented for the design of an ITI of urban scale (ITI-SUD). The integrated approach prescribed by regional authorities forced Municipalities to adopt government approaches uncommon until now: to involve multiple stakeholders in the entire process, from strategy development to project selection and implementation. The paper describes the benefits and challenges of the new approach as applied in the local context, showing the vertical and horizontal connections of urban development strategies. Most importantly, in the context of ‘procedural learning’ happening in Europe in the field of territorial cohesion, it offers an insight on how European cohesion policy strategies and tools are tested at the local level.


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Author Biography

Garyfallia Katsavounidou, University of Ioannina, Department of Architecture
She teaches Urban Design at the Department of Architecture, University of Ioannina. She holds a Diploma in Architecture from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, a Master of Science (SMArchS) in Architecture & Urbanism from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Ph.D. from the University of Thessaly. Her research interests include the urban transformations due to immigration, the design for the child in the city and the European dimension of urban regeneration policies. She is the author of Invisible Parentheses; 27 cities in Thessaloniki (Patakis, 2004) and has translated Jan Gehl’s Life between buildings (University Press of Thessaly, 2013). Insert here a short author profile.


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How to Cite
KatsavounidouG. (2017). Implementing ITI for urban development locally. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 10(3), 279-298.