Analysis of the main service quality dimensions that affect the satisfaction of users of the metropolitan rail public transit services in Algiers

  • Tahar Baouni Ecole Polytechnique d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme (EPAU) d’Alger, Laboratoire Ville, Urbanisme et Devéloppement Durable, BP 177- 16200 Alger
  • Rocio De Oña TRYSE Research Group, University of Granada, ETSI Caminos, Canales y Puertos, c/ Severo Ochoa, s/n, 18071 Granada (Spain)
  • Badra Merad Ecole Polytechnique d’Architecture et d‘Urbanisme (EPAU) d’Alger, Laboratoire Ville, Urbanisme et Devéloppement Durable, BP 177- 16200 Alger
  • Lyes Tahraoui Ecole Polytechnique d’Architecture et d‘Urbanisme (EPAU) d’Alger, Laboratoire Ville, Urbanisme et Devéloppement Durable, BP 177- 16200 Alger
  • José Luis Machado-León TRYSE Research Group, University of Granada, ETSI Caminos, Canales y Puertos, c/ Severo Ochoa, s/n, 18071 Granada (Spain)
  • Juan De Oña TRYSE Research Group, University of Granada, ETSI Caminos, Canales y Puertos, c/ Severo Ochoa, s/n, 18071 Granada (Spain)
Keywords: Public transport, users, mobility, service quality, regression models, Algiers


The improvement in public transit is one of the basic and essential pillars to promote sustainable urban and metropolitan mobility everywhere. Algeria´s transportation system primarily relies on private vehicle, which causes innumerable problems such as congestion, emissions, traffic accidents, social inequalities, gender inequalities, and deterioration of the environment. Given that, the Algerian Government has recently carried out some transportation projects such as the Algiers metro and tramway service to promote collective public transportation in the country. Therefore, it becomes essential to provide public administrations and technicians with relevant information and efficient analytical tools to help enhance and develop this mass transit. In this line, the first Customer Satisfaction Survey was designed and implemented in November 2014 at the three railways transit services of Algiers: the light rail, the underground heavy rail (both started into operation in 2011) and the commuter rail. Thanks to this survey instrument, users’ profiles and travel patterns were found out. Moreover, an analytical framework based on a principal component analysis and an ordered probit model identified service quality dimensions and their impact on users’ overall satisfaction. In addition, the effect of socio-economic variables and travel patterns on the previously identified quality dimensions was obtained through multiple linear regression models. The results presented in this paper could help Algerian transport authorities towards elaborate specific proposals to increase transit ridership.


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Author Biographies

Tahar Baouni, Ecole Polytechnique d'Architecture et d'Urbanisme (EPAU) d’Alger, Laboratoire Ville, Urbanisme et Devéloppement Durable, BP 177- 16200 Alger
Tahar Baouni, PhD, is Professor and Research Director at the Ecole Polytechnique d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme (EPAU), Algiers. He has been the director of the research laboratory Ville, Urbanisme et Développement Durable of EPAU and a member of the Scientific Council of EPAU since 2006, and was a member of the EPAU administrative council from 2009 to 2012. He was also chair on the scientific council of Institut Supérieur de Formation Ferroviaire (ISFF), Algiers from 2005 to 2009. Baouni is also an associated professor in the department of Geography and Spatial Planning at Bab Ezouar in Algiers. He is a consultant to offices and agencies of urbanism and transport and has been responsible for numerous research projects in these fields. He was also a member of the administration council of the new town Sidi Abdellah, Algeria, 2013–2015 and the project of great mosque of Algiers 2015-2018. He has published widely on issues of transport planning, urbanism, and environment.
Rocio De Oña, TRYSE Research Group, University of Granada, ETSI Caminos, Canales y Puertos, c/ Severo Ochoa, s/n, 18071 Granada (Spain)

Assistant Professor of Transportation, University of Granada. She has participated in numerous international research projects and is the author of more than 50 journal and conference publications on transit service quality, travel behavior and road safety

Badra Merad, Ecole Polytechnique d’Architecture et d‘Urbanisme (EPAU) d’Alger, Laboratoire Ville, Urbanisme et Devéloppement Durable, BP 177- 16200 Alger
Students preparing thesis PhD
Lyes Tahraoui, Ecole Polytechnique d’Architecture et d‘Urbanisme (EPAU) d’Alger, Laboratoire Ville, Urbanisme et Devéloppement Durable, BP 177- 16200 Alger
Students preparing thesis PhD
José Luis Machado-León, TRYSE Research Group, University of Granada, ETSI Caminos, Canales y Puertos, c/ Severo Ochoa, s/n, 18071 Granada (Spain)
Students preparing thesis PhD
Juan De Oña, TRYSE Research Group, University of Granada, ETSI Caminos, Canales y Puertos, c/ Severo Ochoa, s/n, 18071 Granada (Spain)
Professor of Transportation and Director of the Transportation and Safety Research Group, University of Granada. He is the author of more than 150 journal and conference publications on transit service quality, travel behavior and road safety.


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How to Cite
BaouniT., De OñaR., MeradB., TahraouiL., Machado-LeónJ. L., & De OñaJ. (2018). Analysis of the main service quality dimensions that affect the satisfaction of users of the metropolitan rail public transit services in Algiers. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 67-82.
Special Issue 2018. Urban Travel Behavior in the Middle East and North Africa