Measuring Urban Resilience to Natural Hazards

Keywords: Resilience, Natural hazards, Capacity increase


Natural disaster is an undeniable fact, and preparing to cope with and respond to it is an essential necessity. A resilient city can survive after a traumatic blow to its physical infrastructure, its economy, or its social fabric. Lahijan City, like other cities, requires resiliency measurement. Research tries to survey the degree of resilience of Lahijan encountering natural hazards. The research method is descriptive-analytic; the descriptive method is used to develop theories and literature, and analytical method for the identification of causal relationships and correlations. The performed analyses arebased on the combination of inferential statistics techniques such as one sample t-test and the Delphi technique. The outcome revealed that Lahijan is totally in the low spectrum in terms of resilience (5 > 2.72 > 1), with theoretical median of three, which itself is the result of climate change, urbanization, and globalization. Support and strengthening of community-based activities, disaster risk reduction, and capacity increase of institutional adaptability can assist Lahijan residents to encounter to the human hazards, natural hazards, and increasing risks resulting from change.


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Author Biography

Mehrnaz Molavi, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Art, University of Guilan
Architect, M.A. in Urban Design, PhD in urban Planning, Associate Professor of Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Art, University of Guilan. Her research interest mainly refers to urban livability, urban resilient and urban sustainability.


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How to Cite
MolaviM. (2018). Measuring Urban Resilience to Natural Hazards. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 11(2), 195-212.