Good Practices for the Management of Fragile Territories Resilience

  • Federica Pignatelli INU - Italian National Institute of Planning
  • Mariangela De Vita ITC - Istituto per le tecnologie della costruzione, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
  • Pierluigi Properzi INU - Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
Keywords: reconstruction indicators, post-earthquake reconstruction, city resilience, territorial transformations, fragile territories management, guide-lines


Italy is a territory frequently affected by natural disasters that have a huge impact on urban transformations. The physical and socio-economical reconstruction process of a territory damaged by a traumatic event at first pursues the path of emergency management and subsequently the rehabilitation of the damaged areas. These political and economic strategies are still unsystematic, so it is difficult to foresee eithers long or short term effects. This paper presents an analysis carried out on the city of L'Aquila following the earthquake of 2009, in which indicators were defined to assess and monitor the reconstruction process. The method used to define the indicators is 'absolute', in such a way as to represent a replicable model that can be adapted to different territorial and emergency contexts. Furthermore, the set of indicators proposed can be used not only to monitor the reconstruction process, but also to guide public policies and to suggest shared strategic guidelines, not originated by the urgency of after-shock conditions. The proposed model is a tool to be used from the early stages of reconstruction, in order to predict the outcome of the reconstruction itself. In this way, it is possible to manage urban transformation in a coherent and organic way in all its phases by adopting a single tool. The use of the model shown in the research also makes it possible to enhance the resilience of a territory by exploiting its intrinsic characteristics.


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Author Biographies

Federica Pignatelli, INU - Italian National Institute of Planning

She is an engineering and graduated with a special mention "Thesis worthy of publication" from the University of L'Aquila, where she also obtained a PhD in April 2016. Her thesis discussed the “ Performance diagnostics of the process of reconstruction” . In the months of May and June 2009 she carried out voluntary work at the Civil Protection following the 2009 earthquake. She was a member of the LAURAq as operative secretary - L'Aquila Urban Planning Laboratory. From 2011 to 2016 she carried out activities of teaching support in the Course of Urban Planning Technique I and in the Course of Urban Planning at the University of L'Aquila. She became treasurer of the Abruzzo-Molise division of the National Institute of Urban Planning (INU) in 2013. She became Territorial Representative within the division council in 2016. She is the author of several publications and participations as a speaker in seminars. Currently she is a freelancer working in urban and architectural reconstruction. As from the 2009 earthquake she has carried out assignments and collaborations with several institutions both in the field of building design and in urban planning.

Mariangela De Vita, ITC - Istituto per le tecnologie della costruzione, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

She is an engineering and graduated with full marks and honors from the University of L'Aquila where she also obtained a PhD in July 2017 with a thesis on the performance evaluation of technical textiles applied to architecture. From 2016 she has collaborated with the Construction Technologies Institute (ITC), a scientific facility of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), and since May 2018 has held a post doc research fellow at the same institute. She is the winner of numerous research grants, including funding received from the Abruzzo Region for and ERBOR_AQ projects. She has taken part in numerous design workshops on the theme of lightwight, parametric and sustainable architecture. From 2014 to 2015 she collaborated with the Dunamis design studio. Her research activity is oriented towards analysis and design retrofit interventions on Cultural Heritage with the aim of evaluating and optimizing compatible and more efficient solutions both in terms of energy performance and environmental comfort. The aspects related to the preservation and enhancement of the natural resilience of landscapes, places and buildings of the protected heritage plays a fundamental role in her studies.

Pierluigi Properzi, INU - Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica

he is an Architect and was full professor of Urban Planning Technique at the University of L'Aquila and general secretary of the INU - National Urban Planning Institute. He has coordinated research groups on the evolution of the national planning system (Quater) and of the regional legislative frameworks; he edited the first Report on the state of Planning on behalf of the Ministry of Public Works and participated in the ANPA research on guidelines for national ecological networks. He has been a member of the Governing Council of the Italian Association of Regional Sciences AISRE (1997-2000) and a member of the Scientific Committee of the Regional Center of Economic Studies and Social Research CRESA since 1999. He directs the AnTeA Laboratory (Territorial and Environmental Analysis) of the Architecture and Urban Planning Department and is the Scientific Director of the INU / ANCSA Laboratory for the Reconstruction of the city of L’Aquila. He has worked as a consultant for the National Public Authority (Min. LLPP - ANAS) and Regional Public Authority (Abruzzo Region - Basilicata - Molise - Friuli VG - Umbria - Autonomous Province of Trento) and has coordinated Working Groups for the formation of Framework Plans and Regional Laws . He has also drafted numerous regulatory plans for medium-sized cities and various urban strategic plans and interregional strategic platforms. He is author of over 150 publications, and intervenes in the disciplinary debate on the main journals. He is also a member of the Scientific Committee (Urban Planning – Urban Information) of some of these journals. He edited the first Report on the state of planning on behalf of the Ministry of Public Works / 2001.


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How to Cite
PignatelliF., De VitaM., & ProperziP. (2019). Good Practices for the Management of Fragile Territories Resilience. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 12(1), 5-30.