High speed rail and airport. Future scenarios in Marco Polo Airport in Venice

Keywords: Airport, High-speed rail, Accessibility, Intermodal complementarity, Scenario


This paper introduces an analysis of the possible extension of the catchment area of the Venice Marco Polo Airport, due to the implementation of a direct rail connection and the completion of the high speed/high capacity railway between Milan and Trieste. Both interventions are expected to generate an increase in the accessibility thresholds by rail to the airport. By constructing different scenarios based on the analysis of the evolution in mobility trends and settling patterns, retraced considering both demographic dynamics and  large scale projects, this article estimates the effects generated by the new railway connections in terms of extension of the Marco Polo airport’s catchment area and the related impacts on air traffic, in terms of potential new passengers. 


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Author Biographies

Paola Pucci, Politecnico di Milano, DAStU

She is Full Professor in Urban planning and from 2013 to 2018 Research Director of the PhD course in Urban Planning Design and Policy (UPDP) at the Politecnico di Milano.

Giovanni Lanza, Politecnico di Milano, DASTU

He is PhD Candidate at the Politecnico di Milano


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How to Cite
PucciP., & LanzaG. (2019). High speed rail and airport. Future scenarios in Marco Polo Airport in Venice. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 12(3), 265-282. https://doi.org/10.6092/1970-9870/6072
LUME (Land Use, Mobility and Environment)