Analysis of commuting in Attica

The Attica commuting network

  • Maria Stefanouli School of Engineering/Department of Planning and Regional Development University of Thessaly, Volos
  • Serafeim Polyzos School of Engineering /Department of Planning and Regional Development University of Thessaly, Volos
Keywords: commuting, modularity, Louvain algorithm, network community, regression analysis, Greece


Many complex systems are organized in the form of a network embedded in space. Networks appear naturally in many fields of science, and are often inherently complex structures. Many complex networks show signs of modular structure, uncovered by community detection. Communities allow researchers to understand better the network by reducing its complexity. This study analyzes the inter-regional commuting systems of region Attica in Greece, employing approach of detection of complex network communities. In particular, in this paper, the administrative units of Attica are presented as a complex network, using as a criterion for the existence of a functional relationship and the identification of network communities (FUAs) the daily commuting. Network communities are identified through the modularity maximization method used to analyze complex networks. In parallel with this, through regression model application, the main factors affecting the out-commuting intensity of the municipalities of Attica are defined. The conclusions reached are of special interest for Greece as commuting in this country has not been studied yet extensively.


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Author Biographies

Maria Stefanouli, School of Engineering/Department of Planning and Regional Development University of Thessaly, Volos

Maria Stefanouli holds undergraduate degrees in Civil Engineering and Finance & Accounting, a postgraduate degree in Civil Engineering and is currently a PhD candidate, focusing on commuting analysis. On a professional level, she works as a Civil Engineer specialising in glass facades and also lectures at university on a postgraduate level. She has published articles in scientific journals, presented articles at conferences and her scientific interests include Commuting, Urban Planning, Fuzzy Logic, and Project Management.

Serafeim Polyzos, School of Engineering /Department of Planning and Regional Development University of Thessaly, Volos

Serafeim Polyzos, is a Civil Engineer, Economist, PhD in Planning and Regional Development, Professor in Department of Planning and Regional Development, School of Engineering, University of Thessaly. His scientific interests include Urban Development, Land planning, Regional Development, Project Management, Project Appraisal. He is Scientific Researcher and Director in Laboratory of Policy and Developmental Programs Appraisal, Department of Planning & Regional Development, School of Engineering, University of Thessaly. He has published more than 200 articles in scientific journals and conference proceedings.


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How to Cite
StefanouliM., & PolyzosS. (2020). Analysis of commuting in Attica. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 13(1), 21-40.