Physical spacing and spatial planning

New territorial geographies and renewed urban regeneration policies

Keywords: Physical spacing, new territorial geographies, urban regeneration


After several months of total emergency, many of the countries concerned seem to have the Covid-19 pandemic under control. Measures and policies have been implemented almost worldwide to support the difficult economic and social recovery. The different national systems will be tested in terms of the degree of overall resilience and capacity and effectiveness of actions. In this sense, the reform of local autonomous areas and Regions becomes today even more necessary to start a long and complex process of decision-making and government-level reorganization fostering new relations, in terms of political representation and competences of the different institutional levels. The responses to limit the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the country's growth and development imply a reconfiguration of territorial and institutional geographies. In this context, the discipline of spatial planning can promote some useful reflections at two different scales of intervention: territorial and urban. This study follows these two trajectories, starting from the consideration that the choice of forcing so-called "physical distancing" (better than the ambiguous term "social distancing") has certainly represented one of the most effective ways of contrasting the contagion.


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Author Biography

Piergiuseppe Pontrandolfi, Dipartimento delle Culture Europee e del Mediterraneo University of Basilicata

He is an architect and associate professor of Urban Planning and Technique at DiCEM (Department of European Cultures of the Mediterranean) of the University of Basilicata in Matera. He carries out research activities on urban and territorial policies and on new forms and instruments of territorial governance. He is a member of several research groups within European projects on the themes of local development and territorial planning. He has written essays and articles in Italian and in international journals in the sector, as well as being the author of several publications. He has been Councillor for Urban Planning of the Municipality of Potenza. From 2003 to 2006 he was coordinator of the second level university Master's degree promoted by the University of Basilicata on "New instruments of governance and territorial management". Curator of the series "Territorio e Cultura di Piano" for publisher Librìa.


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How to Cite
PontrandolfiP. (2020). Physical spacing and spatial planning. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 315-326.
Special Issue - Covid-19 vs City-20