The resilient city and adapting to the health emergency

Towards sustainable university mobility

Keywords: Resilience, Quadruple Helix principle, University students’ sustainable mobility


The concept of a resilient city is an increasingly critical one. Resilience represents the ability of an urban system to adapt to an external event. In the past, urban resilience was mainly addressed to natural rather than anthropic risks. Considering the Covid-19 pandemic emergency, the relationship between urban resilience and anthropic risk, especially health risk, has inevitably distorted the “normality” to which we were accustomed. The emergency has had significant long-term effects on the times, uses and organization of cities. Adaptability requires the synergic work of all actors who live or work in a city. This mobility-focused research aims to highlight the importance of the Quadruple Helix principle by analysing the specific measures that each actor -Public Authorities, Research, Enterprises and Citizens- can implement to reduce health risk. The paper outlines the contribution of the University of Genoa within the confines of a ministerial project to promote sustainable mobility for students, when travelling between home and university, using prizes/incentives. This good practice will play an increasingly important role in the return to normality.


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Author Biographies

Francesca Pirlone, Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Genoa

Associate professor in town planning at Polytechnic School - University of Genoa, PhD, engineer. She is a teacher in three university courses of three Degree Courses. She has developed different lines of research, from requalification, natural risks, sustainability, waste, tourism, infrastructures and mobility, activities carried out in EU and national programs. Author of numerous publications and speaker at International and National Conferences.

Ilenia Spadaro, Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering University of Genoa

Engineer, PhD and Assistant Professorin town planning; she carries out scientific activities at Polytechnic School, University of Genoa, where she is a teacher in courses on Territorial Planning. Her researches are focused on ensuring safety of a territory by natural risks, requalification of historical-cultural heritage, environmental sustainability themes: waste, tourism, mobility and transport, energy. Author of several publications and speaker at International and National conferences.


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How to Cite
PirloneF., & SpadaroI. (2020). The resilient city and adapting to the health emergency. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 305-314.
Special Issue - Covid-19 vs City-20