The paradigms of urban planning to emergency-proof

Rethinking the organisation of settlements at the time of a pandemic

Keywords: Covid-19, Urban planning, Paradgims, Settlments, Social distancing


Urban planning is one of the sectors that is able to provide a contribution to the definition of a desirable scenario for the future of the city and the territory as it deals with the physical and functional organisation of human settlements, more than others, also for reasons related to its historical origin.

The paradigms now acquired from a disciplinary point of view, such as densification, sustainable mobility, mixitè, urban green, etc., raise the issue of compatibility with the needs of social distancing imposed by the health emergency.

One wonders if and how the principles and criteria for the physical and functional organisation of settlements, which inform and substantiate the technical-scientific documents and the spatial and urban planning instruments themselves, will change.

The response confirms the overall goodness of the organisational model shared by the community of urban planners. This can only be a stimulus to continue the research and application activities in the field with even greater commitment and determination.

The crisis must in any case build an opportunity to rethink the functioning of the city, its spaces, its times and its forms of social and economic interaction, as we imagine will happen in all other fields


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Author Biographies

Isidoro Fasolino, Department of Civil Engineering University of Salerno

Engineer. He is an associate professor in Urban Planning Techniques with a PhD in the same field, he teaches Urban Planning and the Fundamentals of Urban Engineering at the University of Salerno. He is the author of articles, essays and books on these subjects. He is an effective member of the Board of Directors, both in Campania and in Italy and of the National Institute of Urban Planning (INU).

Michele Grimaldi, Department of Civil Engineering University of Salerno

Engineer. He has a PhD in Civil Engineering for the Environment and the Territory and is contract lecturer at the University of Salerno teaching the courses on the Analysis of urban and territorial systems and Elements of Territorial and Environmental Planning. He is the author of articles, essays and books on these subjects. He is an effective member and secretary of the Campania Section of the National Institute of Urban Planning (INU).

Francesca Coppola, Department of Civil Engineering University of Salerno

Engineer. She is a PhD student researching Risk and Sustainability in Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering Systems at the University of Salerno and she is an expert in the field of Urban Planning Techniques. She is a member of the National Institute of Urban Planning (INU).



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How to Cite
FasolinoI., GrimaldiM., & CoppolaF. (2020). The paradigms of urban planning to emergency-proof. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 165-178.
Special Issue - Covid-19 vs City-20