Spatial policy in cities during the Covid-19 pandemic in Poland

Keywords: Spatial policy in Poland, Covid-19, Cities


The ‘geographic’ aim of the study is to find the regularity of the increase in the number of infections in larger cities and their surroundings. The goal related to the science of public policy is to determine the implemented and potential effects related to spatial policy in Polish cities. The geographic part of this publication uses the available data on the development of the number of identified (recorded) infections. The part of the paper related to the accomplishment of the goal covering the sphere of public policy is primarily of an overview nature. It contains the characteristics of the spatial management system in Poland (including tools affecting the broadest impact on urban space) and the introduced and potential changes caused by the pandemic.


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Author Biographies

Przemysław Śleszyński, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw

Professor at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization of the Polish Academy of Sciences, member of committees of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Committee of Geographical Sciences PAS (scientific secretary), Committee of Demographic Sciences PAS, Committee on Migration Research PAS and Spatial Management Committee of PAS. Vice-Chairman of the Polish Geographical Society and chairman of its Commission on the Geography of Settlements and Population, member of the Main Urban Planning and Architectonic Commission and the Society of Polish Town Planners, chairman of the Task Committee of the Geographical Olympics. He deals with socio-economic geography and spatial management, including spatial structures of population and enterprises, urban and regional development, migration, transport geography, spatial planning, landscape aesthetics. Author of over 400 works in this field, including more than 20 monographs (including about 100 works in English). Coordinator and participant of several dozen grants and projects, realized for international institutions (among others, ESPON, INTERREG programs) and central and local governmental public entities, including for 15 years coordinator of government reports on the state and progress of planning works in municipalities. He is also the author of the "List of medium cities, losing their social and economic functions" and other solutions, which are included in the key strategic documents of Poland: The Concept of National Spatial Development 2030 (2011) and the Strategy for Responsible Development (2016).

Maciej Nowak, Department of Real Estate, Faculty of Economics West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin

Professor at the West Pomeranian University of Technology, head of the Real Estate Department, member of the Presidium Committee for Spatial Economy and Regional Planning, Polish Academy of Sciences. Author of over 200 works in this field, including more than 30 monographs. Participant of several dozen grants and projects, realized for National Science Center, polish ministries and central institutions and regional/ local governments. Member of government teams developing changes in the spatial management system in Poland. Author of recognized legal commentaries on spatial planning regulations. Legal advisor participating in numerous court and administrative cases related to spatial planning. In the implementation of projects and publications, it has an extensive cooperation with representatives of other countries (including the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Latvia, Ghana and Germany).

Małgorzata Blaszke, Department of Real Estate, Faculty of Economics West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin

PhD in economic sciences, assistant professor at the Department of Real Estate of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, author and co-author of numerous scientific publications related to the real estate market.


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How to Cite
ŚleszyńskiP., NowakM., & BlaszkeM. (2020). Spatial policy in cities during the Covid-19 pandemic in Poland. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 13(3), 427-444.