Strategies and guidelines for urban sustainability: the explosion of micromobility from Covid-19

  • Federica Gaglione Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Naples
Keywords: Urban sustainability, soft mobility, micromobility, Covid-19


Starting from the relationship between urban planning and mobility management, TeMA has gradually expanded the view of the covered topics, always following a rigorous scientific in-depth analysis. This section of the Journal, Review Notes, is the expression of a continuous updating of emerging topics concerning relationships among urban planning, mobility and environment, through a collection of short scientific papers written by young researchers. The Review Notes are made of five parts. Each section examines a specific aspect of the broader information storage within the main interests of TeMA Journal. In particular: the Town Planning International Rules and Legislation Overview section aims at presenting the latest updates in the territorial and urban legislative sphere. Urban patterns and their intrinsic relationships have completely changed since Covid-19. In particular, the mobility subsystem has undergone a significant change, inducing users to use "soft" such as micromobility. Micromobility is now on the rise, especially in large cities, but at the same time the lack of dedicated routes pushes researchers and technicians in the area to find solutions capable of providing rules to users. This section examines the legislative decrees issued by the Italian government to promote a sustainable mode of travel for cities such as micromobility.


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Author Biography

Federica Gaglione, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, University of Naples Federico II, Naples

She is an engineer, Ph.D. student in Civil Systems Engineering at the University of Naples Federico II. Her research concerns the topic of urban accessibility. From August to December 2019, she served as a Visiting Researcher at the University of Aberdeen (UK) undertaking a significant amount of research regarding pedestrian accessibility for older persons.


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How to Cite
GaglioneF. (2020). Strategies and guidelines for urban sustainability: the explosion of micromobility from Covid-19. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 13(3), 465-470.