Spatial knowledge for risks prevention and mitigation

The civil protection planning of the Abruzzo Region

  • Donato Di Ludovico University of L’Aquila - Department of Civil, Construction-Architectural and Environmental Engineering
  • Luana Di Lodovico University of L’Aquila - Department of Civil, Construction-Architectural and Environmental Engineering
  • Maria Basi Abruzzo Region - Risk Prevention of Civil Protection
Keywords: Civil Protection Planning, Disaster risk Management, Knowledge Systems


The scientific research described in this paper concerns the theme of Civil Protection Planning at Regional level and Disaster Risk Management. In particular, it concerns the definition and experimentation of a particular model of basic Knowledge System.

This model, which has been tested within the definition and predisposition of the ‘Knowledge elements of the Abruzzo Region territory and civil protection organization of the Abruzzo Region (It)’, is the result of a continuous and dynamic technical-scientific action, whose structure must necessarily be flexible in order to collect and analyse data and information concerning themes, the risks, which are constantly changing. In the research, an original analytical methodology of the Knowledge System has become the basis for the experimentation of a Regional Management Risk Plan (case study Abruzzo Region), a part of the Regional Civil Protection Plan, which allows to identify the Hotspots, i.e. areas characterized by very high and probably simultaneous risks, in which it is strictly necessary to identify prevention and mitigation interventions, the ‘Territorial Prevention and Recovery Projects’ that concern the structural activities of civil protection. The next steps will concern the definition of the methodology for the construction of a Digital Knowledge Platform for the establishment of a Spatial Information Modeling.


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Author Biographies

Donato Di Ludovico, University of L’Aquila - Department of Civil, Construction-Architectural and Environmental Engineering

PhD, Assistant Professor of Urban and Regional Planning, Adjunt Professor of ‘Urban Design’ at the University of L'Aquila (Department of Civil, Construction-Architecture and Environmental Engineering). He carries out research activities within the new forms of Spatial and Strategic planning, Urban planning and design (urban and territorial safety, protection and regeneration), Civil Protection Planning, knowledge and assessment systems (SEA). With regard to the Spatial planning, his research is focused on new models and new policies. He was secretary of INU Abruzzo-Molise section (National Institute of Urban Planning). He is currently Director of the Urban Laboratory for the Reconstruction of L’Aquila (LAURAq-INU/ANCSA), Scientific responsible of AnTeA Laboratory (Territorial and Environmental Analysis) at the University of Aquila, Member of the University Spin Off "DRIMS, Diagnostic Retrofitting and Innovation in Material Srl" and Coordinator of the 1st level Specializing-Master courses “Post-Disaster Technical-Administrative Management of Local Authorities”.

Luana Di Lodovico, University of L’Aquila - Department of Civil, Construction-Architectural and Environmental Engineering

PhD, collaborates in the scientific research of the DICEAA-University of L'Aquila on the topics of Urban planning and design security oriented, risk mitigating, emergency-planning, preparedness and response, civil protection and rehabilitation measures and reduction of the vulnerability about urban system. She is currently member of INU (National Institute of Urban Planning); responsible of INU’s community “Policies and interventions for the conservation of soils and urban vulnerability”; collaborates with the Urban Laboratory for the Reconstruction of L’Aquila (LAURAq- INU/ANCSA); collaborates with the AnTeA Laboratory (Territorial and Environmental Analysis) and the “Open Territories -  interdisciplinary center for documentation, training and research” at the University of Aquila.

Maria Basi, Abruzzo Region - Risk Prevention of Civil Protection

Graduated in Construction Engineering and in ‘Emergency Prevention Engineering’ Specializing-Master course at the University of L'Aquila. She has been adjunct professor for the course of ‘Architecture and Architectural Composition III’ of Construction Engineering-Architecture, lecturer at the ‘Seismic Micro-zonation’ Specializing-Master course and at the ‘Post-disaster Technical Administrative Management in Local Authorities’ Specializing-Master course. She is currently responsible of the ‘Seismic Risk’ office of the Abruzzo Region and coordinator of the eighth sub-commission ‘Seismic legislation implementation’ at interregional level. She is the coordinator of the regional monitoring table for seismic micro-zoning studies and Emergency Limit Conditions (CLE), of the Technical Coordination Table of the regional Civil Engineering Works Dep. and vice-coordinator of the Technical Scientific Table of the Abruzzo Region. Finally, she is a member of the commissions for the implementation of the National Plan for Seismic Risk Mitigation. He has published numerous scientific papers on civil protection planning, seismic micro-zoning and site effects, seismic recovery techniques and seismic vulnerability.


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How to Cite
Di LudovicoD., Di LodovicoL., & BasiM. (2021). Spatial knowledge for risks prevention and mitigation. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 39-51.
The Emergency Plan for the use and management of the territory