Assessing the potential of green infrastructure to mitigate hydro-geological hazard

Evidence-based policy suggestions from a Sardinian study area

Keywords: Environmental hazard, Green infrastructure, Ecosystem services, Logit models


This study focuses on the relations between the definition and implementation of a green infrastructure (GI) and hydro-geological hazard. GIs are spatial structures supplying a wide range of ecosystem services, here related to the following: nature, natural resources and biodiversity conservation; landscape and recreation; agricultural and forestry production; local climate regulation; climate change impact mitigation through capture and storage of carbon dioxide. A methodological framework is defined to assess the relations between GI and hydro-geological hazard through inferential analysis based on dichotomous-choice Logit models, under the assumption that the implementation of GI within planning policies could enhance environmental protection and people’s wellbeing. By applying the methodology to a coastal study area in Sardinia (Italy), this study shows that landslides are more likely to occur in areas showing high natural values and high carbon dioxide capture and storage capacity, whereas productive agro-forestry areas are comparatively more likely to feature severe floods, and areas with significant landscape assets and recreation potential are associated with low flood and landslide hazard. On these bases, a better understanding of the role that could be played by GI as regards hydro-geological hazard is gained, and policy recommendations aimed at mitigating the associated risks are identified.



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Author Biographies

Sabrina Lai, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Architettura, University of Cagliari

Sabrina Lai is a civil engineer, a Doctor of Research in Land Engineering (Italy, 2009), and an MSc in International Planning and Development (UK, 2008). She is an Assistant Professor at the University of Cagliari (Sector ICAR/20 – Spatial planning), where she is presently teaching at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture of the University of Cagliari in the Graduate Program in Environmental and Territorial Engineering (module leader for the Strategic Planning course).

Federica Isola, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Architettura, University of Cagliari

Federica Isola is a building engineer, and a Doctor of Research in Engineering and Natural Sciences (Italy, 2012). She is currently a research fellow at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture of the University of Cagliari.

Federica Leone, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Architettura, University of Cagliari

Federica Leone is a building engineer, a Doctor of Research in Land Engineering (Italy, 2013), and an MSc in International Planning and Development (UK, 2012). She is currently a research fellow at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture of the University of Cagliari.

Corrado Zoppi, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Architettura, University of Cagliari

Corrado Zoppi is a civil engineer, a Doctor of Philosophy in Economics (USA, 1997), a Doctor of Research in Territorial Planning (Italy, 1992), and an MSc in Economic Policy and Planning (USA, 1990). He is a Professor at the University of Cagliari (Sector ICAR/20 – Spatial planning). He is presently teaching at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture of the University of Cagliari in the Undergraduate and Graduate Programs in Environmental and Territorial Engineering and in Sustainable Tourism Management and Monitoring (Regional and Urban Planning, Strategic Planning and Environmental planning).


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How to Cite
LaiS., IsolaF., LeoneF., & ZoppiC. (2021). Assessing the potential of green infrastructure to mitigate hydro-geological hazard. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 109-133.
The Emergency Plan for the use and management of the territory