Evaluation vs landscape planning in the Italian framework

Is the risk prevention a utopia?

Keywords: Territory, Landscape Planning, Risk, Indicators


Territorial management can be implemented through an intervention perspective concerning a plurality of characteristics inherent to natural and artificial resources, in order to guarantee protection of environmental and territorial identity. The thesis, to be addressed in this paper, concerns the question of whether landscape planning is able to prevent and protect against the risks deriving from poor management of the territory. In particular, in Italy the Landscape Plan, in the role it assumes under the so called Urbani Code, recognizes the value of the territories in an attempt to direct the safeguarding and restoration of landscape values. In this paper the role of Strategic Environmental Assessments in the prevention of risks in the hypothesis of reasonable alternatives has been analysed.


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Author Biography

Donatella Cialdea, L.a.co.s.t.a. Laboratory University of Molise, Italy

Full Professor (Urban Planning) at the University of Molise since 1988. She is the Director of the Laboratory L.A.Co.S.T.A. (Laboratory for activities relating to Territorial and Environmental Development) at the University of Molise in order to prepare students and operators in the Geographical Information Systems field. Dean of the Faculty of Engineering from 2009 to 2012 and the Coordinator of the PhD Course in "Landscape Analysis and Valorisation" at the University of Molise and the University of Sassari based consortium. She was the Scientific Coordinator of the International Master Level I Pro.D.U.C.T.I.V.E. Coast (Proposal for the Development of Urban and Coastal Territory in relation to the Value of the Environment), aimed at the technical-scientific training of a specific professional figure - the Selective Interpreter of Territorial Data. At present she is a Vice-President of the National Landscape Committee of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage. She is also a Member of the Italian Steering Committee for the River Contracts.


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How to Cite
CialdeaD. (2021). Evaluation vs landscape planning in the Italian framework. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 25-38. https://doi.org/10.6093/1970-9870/7423
The Emergency Plan for the use and management of the territory