The time profile of transformations in territorial governance

Towards a meeting point between urban planning and risk management

Keywords: Strategic planning, Decision-making system, Simplifying procedures


As a result of the close relationship with the School of Architecture founded in 1919, Italian urban planning has often been marked by a search for a difficult balance between spatial and temporal projections in plans, often favouring the former over the latter. Due to this unequal development in planning contents, territorial governance has shown a worrying loss of authority, which tends to generate evident contradictions when territorial planning is called to contend with problems deriving from the management of areas where urban planning forecasts must coexist with extraordinary provisions adopted following an earthquake or other natural disaster. In this recurring difficulty of finding space within ordinary planning procedures for measures designed to address the emergency, three starting conditions prove to be decisive. The first is the need to guarantee the availability of a rigorous cognitive framework to allow an increasingly complex planning system to be based on rich, detailed information. The second is the requirement to reduce the gap between the technical times necessary to develop planning tools and the necessary promptness for procedures to coordinate emergency policies. The third is the need to entrust strategic documents with the task of balancing the relationship between the short and long terms, both in urban planning and in emergency plans.


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Author Biography

Michele Talia, University of Camerino

Architect and PHD in Planning, he is currently Full Professor in Town and Regional Planning and Coordinator of the Doctorate in Sustainable Urban Planning at the University of Camerino. After collaborating on the Master Plan of Rome, he coordinated the Structural Plan and the Urban Planning Regulations of Siena and the Strategic Plan of the Province of Teramo.

He is the author or editor of numerous volumes, essays and articles on topics ranging from urbanization process and metropolitan growth to structural and strategic planning, and from interpretation of the changes recorded by the contemporary city to examining urban regeneration policies.

His most recent research interests concern the relationship between urban tactics and planning strategies and the emergence of a demand for redistributive equity in the new urban democracies.

He is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow currently involved in the research project on “New thinking to drive regional economic development” (Horizon 2020).

Since 2019 he is President of the National Urban Planning Institute.


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How to Cite
TaliaM. (2021). The time profile of transformations in territorial governance. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 182-189.
The Emergency Plan for the use and management of the territory