Former military sites and post-Covid-19 city in Italy. May their reuse mitigate the pandemic impacts?

Keywords: Urban Regeneration, Urban Planning, Urban Voids, Post-Pandemic territories


The presence of former military settlements, along with other abandoned spaces in the Italian cities, constitutes an opportunity for developing inclusive and green cities through a good governance, especially after the 2020 pandemic outbreak. This paper develops an analytical matrix for comparing and evaluating the redevelopment projects of a number of case studies in the Italian metropolitan cities of Bologna, Milan, Rome, and Turin in the face of the challenges of the post-COVID-19 issues. Although the difficulties to evaluate still ongoing redevelopment projects, I found two main results. First, the Italian political and economic context is what most influenced the redevelopment process and not so much the intrinsic characteristics of former military sites.  Second, it seems that the reuse of these urban voids will not match a couple of features of the so-called post-COVID-19 features, i.e. inclusive and good governance, though the redevelopments can seemingly develop green cities.


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Author Biography

Federico Camerin, Dipartimento di Culture del Progetto Università IUAV di Venezia, Venice

City planner (2014), he is postdoctoral research fellow in Urban Planning at the Dept. of Culture del Progetto of Università IUAV di Venezia (Italy). He obtained in 2020 a double PhD degree in the frame of European Joint Doctorate “UrbanHist” between the Instituto Universitario de Urbanística of the University UVA of Valladolid (Spain) and the Fakultät Architektur und Urbanistik of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (Germany).


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How to Cite
CamerinF. (2021). Former military sites and post-Covid-19 city in Italy. May their reuse mitigate the pandemic impacts?. TeMA - Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 14(2), 227-243.